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QEG by Joel (40 replies)
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Breaking down the "Everlasting Flame" concept (17 replies)
Tesla Method of Utilizing Radiant Energy (17 replies)
How To Keep The Dipole Open Video (16 replies)
Ferroelectric like properties of PEG cell and other features (16 replies)
Resonance Amplification (16 replies)
A Working - greater output than input device (15 replies)
Solid State Moray Generator By Joel Lagace (15 replies)
Welcome! (14 replies)
Some Personal Notes On Work Function (13 replies)
Neurophone / more information (13 replies)
Caduceus coil (12 replies)
QEG by Joel (28,236 views)
100W OU Radiant Energy Circuit (26,181 views)
The Magnetic Flux Triode Tube - Don Smith Secret (24,069 views)
A Working - greater output than input device (13,210 views)
Neurophone / more information (10,312 views)
Need help with basic Bedini Motor (10,279 views)
Resonance Amplification (10,053 views)
Tesla Method of Utilizing Radiant Energy (9,848 views)
Welcome! (9,204 views)
Solid State Moray Generator By Joel Lagace (8,458 views)
Caduceus coil (7,748 views)
Zero Point With Plasma (7,360 views)
How To Keep The Dipole Open Video (6,678 views)
Ferroelectric like properties of PEG cell and other features (6,308 views)
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