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QEG by Joel

The effects of voltage magnification are particularly useful as they can provide magnification of AC signal voltages using only passive components, i.e. without the need for any external power supply.
In some cases voltage magnification can also be a dangerous property. in high voltage mains (line) operated equipment containing inductance and capacitance, care must be taken during design to ensure that the circuit does not resonate at frequencies too close to that of the mains (line) supply. If that should happen, extremely high reactive voltages could be generated within the equipment, with disastrous consequences for the circuit and/or the user.

Did i catch your attention with this quote ?

Read here :

I wonder if you can experiment in various different locations, in case someone messing up with you ?

(10-06-2023, 07:42 AM)Mozart Wrote: I wonder if you can experiment in various different locations, in case someone messing up with you ?

I have a theory of what may be in part driving it to "magic" 

I live in isolated area,  With that said i'm parked in the middle of a SuperDarn array on one side of me (Haarp like) and on the other side I got myself a Wind Profiler radar. One operates near shortwave HF while the other is upper band like 48 mhz. With those systems they can generate scalar and if two scalar waves get together somehow what happens? You get normal EM waves in return according to Tesla.

Maybe the transducer once triggered couples into this fields and gives me back a EM wave that feeds the oscillations.... Its far out 

I contacted the department of communications regarding some of this equipment for licensing etc, Even refer to the license number in the database. They told me nothing about it, Few weeks later the records got wiped from the database? And it didn't just go away. I know people that work there it's an old hydro Dam Abitibi Canyon. So they still have maintained people from time to time go up. They see the array of antennas and all they are told is not to go near "there"

And of course we got the weather radar dome nearby as well from Environment Canada, Just a couple miles away from the SuperDarn Array (Coincidance?) 

Anyways a combination of all this stuff might be in part contribution to my "Random" waves  Undecided

So, are you sure you didn’t match the resonance in the circuit with you power source ? See my post above about how destructive it can be. From what you described i can see that is what happened, or it might be just the interference with their frequency operated devices nearby and they should pay for damage or ban your experiments without licence. So, it is one of this in my opinion, not both.

Or they just mess up with you sending on purpose a damaging signal … that’s why i said to vary location where you experiment.

Anyway if you can redo the experiment and find out if it is from your side and keep sharing so people can keep up with you in various locations around the world. It is your game and your invention.

Good luck whaterever you do.

(10-06-2023, 02:18 PM)Mozart Wrote: So, are you sure you didn’t match the resonance in the circuit with you power source ? See my post above about how destructive it can be. From what you described i can see that is what happened, or it might be just the interference with their frequency operated devices nearby and they should pay for damage or ban your experiments without licence. So, it is one of this in my opinion, not both.

Or they just mess up with you sending on purpose a damaging signal … that’s why i said to vary location where you experiment.

Anyway if you can redo the experiment and find out if it is from your side and keep sharing so people can keep up with you in various locations around the world. It is your game and your invention.

Good luck whaterever you do.

Well to start i'm having issues getting readings on the scope, I see the spikes come up at random. But one issue is its this dam household 60 hertz, gets into everything at low p-p maybe just half a volt but its always there 60 hertz, comes from ground using scope I tried using Inverter and it still gets it from inverter from direct coupling with ground transients or nearby induction, both are giving me grief, I know I can build filters for this however it gets complicated with the calculation of filters and how to couple them to the devices for accurate readings etc... So this is why i'm looking for a DC powered handheld scope, I had one years ago but it was a cheep 50$ aliexpress one that only handle 25 volts and I blow it.  This should take care of any kind of strange readings on my scope imo so I can get a better understanding of what is going on....

As far as them messing with me? The Superdarn is joint with USA university with a project funded by US military. You can Google the details of SuperDarn, It's an interesting trail.... They have a world grid of these, But needed a couple spots in Canada!

These folks are serious in their research, I think they have better things to do then mess with me or even aware of my existence! imo But I do suspect these nearby systems in part playing games with me.....

The only document I can find is a low level study that refers to the Abitibi Radar,  All other info seems to have been "Scrubbed" It doesn't show up in the licensing database as well!
How ever you can follow some links and see a few photos of the project from a few of the university professor hosted home pages. The scrubbing literally started when I found the info in the licensing database with an erp of close to a half a million watts on 48 mhz being nearby this kind of worried me and asked info about it... shortly after maybe a month, No trace of it..... Again prob just coincidence.

Have a look at this patent US3275839A

Back on topic. Progressing nicely. I have my two QEG transformers wound and am working on the control circuitry. It was my intent to use fractal capacitance to control the voltage spikes and came across this excellent video for DIY construction. Here is the link to it
Fractal Capacitor Bank
I am not sure what this will do for the total circuit, but that is what testing is for right? Control is always the big issue with these types of energy conversion.

Hi, tachyoncatcher
What is the power source that your QEG transformers are running on? interesting concept.
And what do you wish the end results may be?
Sorry if it was somewhere in the thousands of words from this string that I did not read.
I'm lazy. and half blind and did I say Lazy. I like to read the first page and the last only. skip the middle, and ask question to fill the blanks. as noted somewhere on this forum.

thanks tom ps. if the results could be in watts that is much easier for me to understand. thanks

(10-14-2023, 02:05 AM)Mr.Tom Wrote: Hi, tachyoncatcher
What is the power source that your QEG transformers are running on? interesting concept.
And what do you wish the end results may be?
Sorry if it was somewhere in the thousands of words from this string that I did not read.
I'm lazy. and half blind and did I say Lazy. I like to read the first page and the last only. skip the middle, and ask question to fill the blanks. as noted somewhere on this forum.

thanks tom ps. if the results could be in watts that is much easier for me to understand. thanks

Hello Tom,
This is a replication thread for Joel's QEG Quantum Energy Generator he showcased on Youtube with construction details. The power source is unknown. Quantum, Dirak Sea, Zero point, Dielectric. You pick your descriptor. He was able to show a 5x magnification of his source. He was able to use components he had previously constructed along with the, what I call transformer. He has 4 or 5 videos dedicated to testing this. It appeared a 500 watt output was possible with no more than 12 watt input. He blew all his components before he could thoroughly test this limit. It is my belief that this is capable of much greater output. We'll see.

Thank you, too bad it popped at 500 watts output
Do you know how long it went before it blew out the components?

the normal inrush of a 12 watt motor would be for 1/100 second about 1000 watts and goes down as the motor speeds up.
would the side effects of an QEG device do the same?
time = power also
iron core transformers do the same thing also having high inrush on startup for a very short time.
something to think about on these type of devices.

Thanks Tom

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