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Ferroelectric like properties of PEG cell and other features

(07-22-2024, 06:27 PM)AbitAnnoying Wrote: @JoeLag, I've seen like 80% of your videos. I just want to point out a few errors in the interpretation of measurements. To be clear i dont believe in practical use of what is called free energi, but iam trying to belive. Maybe that noise all around us has some practrical use.
@Mozart,  It was said (in that mentioned video) that when the cell receives a pulse, it responds with pulse in opposite polarity and it was shown on the scope. I'm trying to say that what was shown on the scope was misinterpreted. The oscilloscope in ACmode will show this waveform every time any DC voltage source is connected to the input and you give it the opposite pulse. It doesn't matter if it is a PEG cell or any other source.  Not exactly same of course, it depends on the magnitudes of the voltages of both sources, but generally two opposite peaks. It shows it because there is decoupling capacitor in series with the input inside the scope when in AC mode.  So the fact that the scope shows it does not mean that the cell did that. It will show the true waveform of the cell voltage after the "trigger" pulse only in DCmode.
How the pulsedDC looks on scope in ACmode depends mainly on the pulse width (because of that decoupling cap).If the pulse is long, it will look like a descending ramp. But if the pulse is very short (miliseconds and less) it will look right (you can see the square calibration signal on scope in ACmode because these are short pulses). The longer the pulse, the greater the distortion.
Can i post pictures here somehow?? I will show what i mean.
The fact that you don't measure any current when the LED lights up is strange because the LED needs some minimal current to light up. The current is needed because electrons must move to emit light. In other words, when light is emitted from LED, some current is flowing inside.  Do you have Youtube channel?

Just don’t trust my words or videos, do it yourself to see. Do not use tap (potable) water, use deionised, rain, distilled water eventually pharmaceutical grade if you can, or if you have access, use heavy water.

Also, if you check my other videos, you can see what pulsed dc can do. If I use half bridge and cap I can power dc motors and LEDs and ac loads in the same time … while I can hold in my bare hands bare wires that power the loads or even drop them in water and pit my hands in the same water. And frequency rise when more resistance (heavy loads) are added.
Useless to say I can’t measure any current there either, yet everything is powered.

I can’t care less for any explanation may come from mainstream science and media, yet I can hold in my hands £40 circuit/device that do the work they say is impossible. But there are many more features to this circuit so versatile which I don’t share yet and everyone can discover if they dare.

Soon enough I will show what can be done with just a single transistor and a battery with cells made as seen in video … without current ?

How much more can someone would be annoyed than ? Just a bit or a lot ?

Also, for your information, what many call insulator material or dielectric is in fact highly conductive and has huge capacitive properties. These materials will conduct and store electric charges on their surface while metalic or what we call conductors, conduct electric charges inside through their atomic structure but storage is considered in magnetic filed. Magnetic field/force is in fact a consequence of electric field/force flowing in a gradient.

In the same way we measure resistance and amperage or voltage you can try to measure capacitance of dielectric materials and also you’ll see is over limit … we can’t measure the energy of universe which is infinite without using an instrument able to measure infinite ?

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RE: Ferroelectric like properties of PEG cell and other features - by Mozart - 07-22-2024, 08:52 PM

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