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Exploring the Concepts of Back EMF and Ambient Energy Harvesting: Circuit Schematics


This detailed explanation provides insights into an experimental setup designed to harness Back EMF for efficient battery charging. The creator shares two circuit designs, aiming to use minimal input power to generate substantial Back EMF spikes through a large inductive coil, specifically a 1000-foot LMR-400 coax spool. This approach seeks to explore the potential for over-unity—generating more usable energy than is input—by leveraging ambient and earth-sourced energy.
Key Components and Setup Overview

LMR-400 Coax Spool as Inductive Coil:
  • Characteristics: The LMR-400 coaxial cable, known for its low resistance and large inductance due to its thick copper conductor and 1000-foot length, is used as the main inductive element. This makes it ideal for generating strong Back EMF spikes when pulsed.
  • Operation: The goal is to pulse this large coil using minimal input power, thereby generating significant Back EMF that can be captured and used for charging a battery.

Ambient Energy Harvesting (First Circuit):
  • Loop Antenna for RF Energy: The loop antenna is used to capture stray RF energies from the environment, such as those from radio signals or other ambient electromagnetic sources. To enhance this, an L/C tank circuit can be added for tuning, making the loop more effective at capturing specific frequencies.
  • DC Conversion and Energy Storage: A diode (D1) converts the captured RF energy into DC, which, despite being low (a few volts), is sufficient for the initial stages. A small capacitor can be added to stabilize this voltage before it's used to drive the LMR-400 coil.
  • Energy Utilization: The ambient energy is then used to trigger a control circuit, which pulses the LMR-400 coil, generating Back EMF. This Back EMF is then captured and used to charge a 12-volt battery.

Earth Battery Power Source (Second Circuit):
  • Earth Battery: This circuit uses an earth battery to provide a few volts of DC power, which is used as the trigger for the LMR-400 coil. Earth batteries generate power from the potential difference between two electrodes placed in the ground, making them a renewable and low-cost power source.
  • Switching and Charging: The earth battery's low-voltage output is switched into the LMR-400 coil using a control circuit powered by a 12-volt battery. The Back EMF generated by the coil is then fed back into the 12-volt battery, effectively charging it.

Key Concepts and Principles

Back EMF Generation and Collection:
  • Triggering and Pulsing: Both circuits are designed to use minimal input power to trigger a high inductance coil, generating strong Back EMF spikes. These spikes are then captured using a diode and directed into a battery, effectively converting low-power ambient or earth energy into usable electrical energy.
  • Efficient Energy Use: The focus is on maximizing the efficiency of energy transduction by minimizing input power and optimizing the Back EMF generation. This involves careful tuning of the duty cycle and pulse frequency to ensure minimal energy loss.

Voltage-Driven System:
  • Minimizing Current: The system is designed to be voltage-driven, with the goal of using as little current as possible. This is crucial for achieving over-unity, as it allows for greater energy output relative to the input. The sharp voltage spikes generated by the Back EMF are key to this process.

Over-Unity Potential:
  • Energy Transduction: By harnessing ambient or earth energy and efficiently converting it into Back EMF, the system aims to achieve over-unity—where the energy stored in the battery exceeds the energy used to trigger the system. This is achieved by leveraging the high voltage spikes and minimizing current draw.
Results and Observations

Practical Implications:
  • Efficient Charging: The circuits are designed to charge a 12-volt battery using minimal input power. By capturing and using Back EMF effectively, the system can potentially charge the battery more efficiently than conventional methods.
  • Potential for Optimization: The creator notes that further optimization could involve adding more coils or increasing the voltage to enhance the system’s efficiency and output. This could make the system more effective in practical applications.

Experimental Insights:
  • Proof of Concept: While the circuits are still in the experimental phase, they offer valuable insights into the potential of Back EMF and ambient energy harvesting. The use of a large inductive coil like the LMR-400 and the integration of earth or ambient power sources are innovative approaches that could inspire further research and development.


This explanation provides a comprehensive overview of an experimental Back EMF charging system that leverages ambient and earth energies. By focusing on minimizing current draw and maximizing voltage spikes, the system offers a promising approach to achieving over-unity and efficient battery charging. For those interested in alternative energy systems, this setup presents a unique and potentially valuable concept for further exploration and experimentation.

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