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Demonstrating Back EMF-Based Battery Charging with a Self-Sustaining Circuit


In this fascinating demonstration, the experimenter showcases a back EMF generator module designed to charge a 12-volt car battery using a self-sustaining loop that leverages low power inputs. This setup effectively turns a modest 9-volt, 200mA power supply into a system capable of running a 110-volt inverter and charging a battery, all while powering small loads like tools and lamps. The experiment provides compelling evidence of over-unity, where the system produces more usable energy than it consumes, utilizing principles of back EMF, pulse charging, and energy feedback loops.

The Setup and Operation
This experiment involves a carefully constructed circuit that uses back EMF to charge a battery and sustain its operation with minimal input power. Here’s how the system is designed and operates:
  1. Back EMF Generator Module: The heart of the system is a back EMF generator, which includes a large 1.9-ohm air-core coil made from approximately 300 feet of telephone wire. This coil, when pulsed by a transistor controlled by a low-voltage square wave generator, generates high-voltage back EMF. The back EMF is then captured and directed into a charging capacitor.
  2. SCR and Neon Dump Circuit: The captured back EMF charges a 10 µF capacitor to around 100 volts. Once this threshold is reached, a neon lamp triggers an SCR (Silicon Controlled Rectifier) diode, which dumps the stored charge into a 12-volt car battery. This process repeats a few times per second, ensuring that the battery receives consistent high-voltage pulses that help maintain and even increase its charge.
  3. Inverter and Power Supply Loop: The system includes a small inverter connected to the 12-volt battery. This inverter converts the battery’s DC power to 110-volt AC at 60 Hz. The inverter then powers a 9-volt, 200mA DC power supply, which is used to run the control module and trigger pulses for the back EMF generator. This setup effectively isolates the control module from the battery, allowing the system to send the 100-volt capacitor dumps back into the battery, creating a feedback loop where the battery’s voltage gradually increases.
  4. Operating Mode and Load Testing: In addition to the self-sustaining loop, the system can be connected to the mains line to run moderate loads like a 20-watt glue gun. The experimenter demonstrates that, while the circuit pulses and charges the battery, the battery’s voltage and current curve (V/I curve) actually rises instead of dropping, even under load. This suggests that the system is not only sustaining itself but also generating additional energy that can be used to power external devices.
  5. Efficiency and Over-Unity: The most striking aspect of this setup is its ability to convert a very modest input—9 volts at 60mA—into enough energy to sustain a 110-volt inverter running at 20 watts, while also charging the battery. This suggests the presence of over-unity, where the system produces more usable energy than it consumes, potentially drawing additional energy from ambient sources or exploiting a chemical reaction within the battery that enhances its charge.

Key Observations and Insights
This experiment successfully demonstrates how a carefully designed circuit can achieve significant energy efficiency and even over-unity, using principles of back EMF and energy feedback. The system’s ability to sustain itself and power additional loads with minimal input highlights the potential for innovative energy generation and storage methods.

Back EMF as a Power Source: The use of back EMF as a primary power source is a key feature of this design. By capturing the high-voltage pulses generated by the coil and using them to charge a battery, the system turns what is usually considered wasted energy into a valuable resource.

Self-Sustaining Feedback Loop: The feedback loop created by the inverter and power supply is a critical aspect of the system’s efficiency. By isolating the control module from the battery and feeding the generated power back into the battery, the system maintains and even increases the battery’s charge over time.

Energy Conversion and Over-Unity: The ability of the system to convert a small input into a much larger output, sustaining both the battery and external loads, suggests that the circuit is operating at over-unity. This could be due to a combination of back EMF, pulse charging, and possibly a chemical effect within the battery that enhances its capacity.

Applications and Future Exploration
The implications of this experiment are broad and potentially revolutionary, particularly in the context of energy generation and storage:
  • Off-Grid Power Solutions: This system could be adapted for use in off-grid power solutions, providing a sustainable source of energy for remote or emergency situations.
  • Energy-Efficient Power Supplies: The principles demonstrated here could be applied to develop energy-efficient power supplies for a wide range of applications, reducing reliance on traditional energy sources.
  • Further Exploration of Over-Unity: The experiment invites further exploration into the concept of over-unity and how it might be achieved and sustained in practical systems.

This project provides a compelling demonstration of how back EMF and energy feedback loops can be used to create a self-sustaining circuit capable of powering both itself and external loads. By leveraging a small input and turning it into a much larger output, the experimenter has created a system that challenges traditional notions of energy generation and storage.
For anyone interested in alternative energy, over-unity concepts, or innovative circuit design, this experiment offers valuable insights and a practical approach to achieving high efficiency in power systems. The ability to sustain and even increase battery charge while powering additional devices makes this system an exciting area for further experimentation and development.

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