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How To Keep The Dipole Open Video

Hi Joel,
I just finished watching your video

Thank you for this.

I'm curious about what you had in mind that you couldn't say it in the video because it could be unsafe. You said you could send a private message for those who are curious. 

Please send me a private message regarding this.

Thanks again.

Read our comments on video and may find out

For those interested in this tech/method following disclosures may help to understand the dialogue between myself and Joel Lagace on the youtube video.

My method may be less effective or his method may be less effective depending on the very specific effect we want to obtain, please observe conclusion in the end of conversation from the link below:

Also, later i will post a youtube video as I said … last night I had some troubles trying to shoot the video and post, hopefuly today I may be more succesful.

My endeavour is to make something as simple as possible and as cheap as possible using things that we have handy in most households and provide basic explanations to enable anyone to further investigate or develop for any personal or commercial purpose for as long as nobody try to patent and keep it open source for universal knowledge of everyone.

Also, you will understand why electricity is generated when I touch with my finger the ends of twisted pair of aluminium and copper wires if you pay attention to all aspects disclosed when I asked what are the equivalent of PEG naturally occurring … it is the skin.

Also in the end part you get a hint about extending the electrodes with certain geometry … and think about Tesla radiant energy apparatus.
Think of electricity in all known forms of manifestation …mainstream science using all sort of names for each type of manifestation may mislead you on purpose.

I'm suggesting that we use something like a MOSFET to switch the path of a closed loop in a transformer. Imagine combining a regular earth battery, which has some electrical conductivity, with a solid-state cell that blocks electron flow but allows ion flow momentarily. By continuously switching the path, you can close the earth path and open the solid-state cell path. This way, you maintain pure electrostatic potential and achieve modulation, resulting in more energy output.

Earth batteries are fantastic, but to achieve an electrostatic effect with zero continuity, we need a different approach. Some people use water, gels, earth, or even skin as ion bridges, but these materials also provide an electrical path, which nullifies the open loop effect. If you're looking to run something like a Bedini motor with an earth battery stack, that's perfectly fine if it works for you. However, my focus right now is on this new method.

By mixing and matching both approaches, you could use a switch to pulse a temporary earth battery path and then switch to the solid-state cell path. You’re likely to notice some very interesting interactions!

Also, shrinking compound while is cooling down introduce mechanical stress in electrodes albeit is very small but act like fine tuning for musical instruments … if you consider to modulate.

The whole point is to obtain isolation between the 2 state of manifestation of electricity … any 2 states, where conversion from 1 state to another state can take place in 1 way only.

I think I wasn’t clear enough but I will clarify now: I am not suggesting to replace Joel cell with my type water based, I am saying the water based can be used to rise the potential and they replenish themselves, if you need just potential 10-20 cells of magnesium+copper in distilled or deionised water may be enough, where each cell may provide 1.4-1.6 v with 2-3 cm of magnesium ribbon and 0.5 mm magnet wire or copper foil of 3-4 cm long same width and thickness … they will last in this way very long time and cost maybe £10-20 for 20 cells.
Due to low amps I can think of optocouplers darlington output for switching (with high gain) … also pretty cheap. All the rest can be as usual inductors for next stage

(06-24-2024, 05:13 PM)Mozart Wrote: Also, shrinking compound while is cooling down introduce mechanical stress in electrodes albeit is very small but act like fine tuning for musical instruments … if you consider to modulate.

The whole point is to obtain isolation between the 2 state of manifestation of electricity … any 2 states, where conversion from 1 state to another state can take place in 1 way only.

I think I wasn’t clear enough but I will clarify now: I am not suggesting to replace Joel cell with my type water based, I am saying the water based can be used to rise the potential and they replenish themselves, if you need just potential 10-20 cells of magnesium+copper in distilled or deionised water may be enough, where each cell may provide 1.4-1.6 v with 2-3 cm of magnesium ribbon and 0.5 mm magnet wire or copper foil of 3-4 cm long same width and thickness … they will last in this way very long time and cost maybe £10-20 for 20 cells.
Due to low amps I can think of optocouplers darlington output for switching (with high gain) … also pretty cheap. All the rest can be as usual inductors for next stage

Sure if you want to replace the series chemical cells with just water cells it will work as well. As long as there is at least one peg cell in the series to keep the loop open at DC.

Also I suggest to take advantage of what switching ground does to the circuit as I demonstrated in previous videos, All switches have a response time, its sharp but not a perfect square wave on or off state. During that moment where the circuit would switch the path from the solid state cell only in the loop then with the earth battery setup in the loop, There will be a very sharp moment where the circuit will see the ground during both states and according to my last research that introduces a big nasty spike. This is what we are looking for. Big nasty spikes lol.

Yes Joel, the whole point is to have a fully working dipole … than you do whatever you want with it.

For the moment I am satisfied with the circuit shown in other videos, which can be properly made with the right type of wires and use more amps for input … for approx 4 kw output to be safe. But only for limited applications in current form.

Also, if will ever have enough time and materials I am planning to replicate another device of “what if I did this” where full schematic, instructions and videos are provided (the simple version) which require just a 2N3055 transistor … than further experiment and fine tune with capacitors for much larger applications using same type of input source 24/7 available.

I am pretty sure that Joel can make it better and more powerful or design another type which he can share soon if feel its ok.

Another idea instead of buying new expensive chemical cells you can just save all your old used up cells like those 9v batteries go down to about 7 volts when "dead" you can series a bunch of those and use "dead" batteries to increase your pure potential.

(06-25-2024, 05:56 PM)JoeLag Wrote: Another idea instead of buying new expensive chemical cells you can just save all your old used up cells like those 9v batteries go down to about 7 volts when "dead" you can series a bunch of those and use "dead" batteries to increase your pure potential.

It can only be a temporary solution, at some point 9V batteries will wear out. The real solution is to use a natural occurring gradient or to simulate one.

So, the challenge lays in the isolation/collection mechanism … at least this is how I am looking at it.

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