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Solid State Moray Generator By Joel Lagace

Good day folks here is the circuit diagram of the reactive solid state "Moray" generator!


A memo on fine tuning:  Big Grin

Given that both the inductance and capacitance are 70.48 µH and 70.48 µF respectively, the LC circuit is indeed resonant at 60 Hz. To fine-tune this circuit, You can optionally incorporate a parallel vacuum capacitor for small adjustments and a series capacitor for potential impedance matching.

### Verify Resonance Frequency

- **Inductance**:  (L = 70.48 
- **Capacitance**:  (C = 70.48
- **Resonance Frequency**: (60 
- **Parallel Vacuum Capacitor**: (C should range from 0 to 3.524 µF for fine-tuning.
- **Series Capacitor for Impedance Matching**:  approx 53.05 uF

*This configuration allows for fine-tuning of the LC circuit to maintain resonance at 60 Hz and achieve impedance matching if needed.


  1. LC Resonant Circuit: Utilize the high circulating reactive power at resonance.
  2. Direct Battery Integration: Connect batteries in a manner that allows them to charge without disrupting the reactive power oscillations significantly.
  3. Resistive and Inductive Loads: Use light bulbs and other inductive components to balance the load and manage current flow during different parts of the AC cycle.


Series LC Circuit with Batteries and Light Bulbs
  1. Resonant LC Circuit:
    • L: Inductor
    • C: Capacitor
  2. Direct Battery Charging:
    • Connect batteries directly into the LC circuit at points where they can charge during the positive half of the AC cycle and be protected from reverse current during the negative half.
  3. Light Bulbs as Loads:
    • Use light bulbs as resistive/inductive loads to absorb power during the negative half of the cycle, thus protecting the batteries.

Practical Considerations

  1. Voltage Levels:
    • Ensure the voltage levels in the LC circuit match the charging requirements of the batteries.
  2. Current Flow Management:
    • The light bulbs will naturally limit the current during the negative half-cycle, preventing reverse currents from damaging the batteries.
  3. Tuning:
    • Fine-tune the circuit to ensure that the LC circuit remains in resonance while effectively charging the batteries.
  4. Testing and Safety:
    • Start with lower power levels to test the setup.
    • Monitor the temperature and performance of the batteries and light bulbs to ensure they are operating within safe limits.

Challenges and Adjustments

  • Balance: Achieving the right balance between the reactive power accumulation and the load distribution is crucial.
  • Fine-Tuning: You may need to experiment with different configurations and component values to achieve optimal performance.
  • Monitoring: Continuously monitor the circuit's behavior to avoid overcharging or damaging the batteries.
By using this approach, you can tap into the reactive power of the LC circuit to charge batteries directly while using light bulbs to manage the current flow during the negative half-cycle. This should allow you to maintain the resonant condition and recover reactive power without the use of rectifiers.

What if you connect an AC motor instead of light bulbs, then the AC motor runs a generator lol

(05-23-2024, 06:41 PM)ephemeralt8 Wrote: What if you connect an AC motor instead of light bulbs, then the AC motor runs a generator lol

Yeah I keep it simple so folks can understand the concept. It leaves room for many variations. Key keep the LCR stage resonant and aim for a total Q in the high negative range.  Big Grin

Will replacing the lights with another variac work?

I know one can still use a 1:1 transformer in series with the lc circuit, and resonance will still be maintained. You can do it by wrapping 2 coils together, then one coil is connected in series to the lc circuit while the other is shorted, then find the resonance, then use the shorted coil as the output coil which could be connected to bridge rectifier. But it must always be on load otherwise resonance will go out if it is opened.

(05-24-2024, 08:16 AM)Rendelhi Wrote: I know one can still use a 1:1 transformer in series with the lc circuit, and resonance will still be maintained. You can do it by wrapping 2 coils together, then one coil is connected in series to the lc circuit while the other is shorted, then find the resonance, then use the shorted coil as the output coil which could be connected to bridge rectifier. But it must always be on load otherwise resonance will go out if it is opened.

Ok, so like an isolation transformer

(05-24-2024, 02:35 PM)ephemeralt8 Wrote: Ok, so like an isolation transformer

Yes. But come to think of it. A bridge rectifier connected directly after the lc circuit and connected to a resistive load like a bulb will still allow the circuit to oscillate because the bridge rectifier will allow the circuit to oscillate in both halves. But may not be good for an inductive load. So the bridge rectifier could be used to charge a battery.

(05-23-2024, 03:35 PM)JoeLag Wrote: Good day folks here is the circuit diagram of the reactive solid state "Moray" generator!

A memo on fine tuning:  Big Grin

Given that both the inductance and capacitance are 70.48 µH and 70.48 µF respectively, the LC circuit is indeed resonant at 60 Hz. To fine-tune this circuit, You can optionally incorporate a parallel vacuum capacitor for small adjustments and a series capacitor for potential impedance matching.

### Verify Resonance Frequency

- **Inductance**:  (L = 70.48 
- **Capacitance**:  (C = 70.48
- **Resonance Frequency**: (60 
- **Parallel Vacuum Capacitor**: (C should range from 0 to 3.524 µF for fine-tuning.
- **Series Capacitor for Impedance Matching**:  approx 53.05 uF

*This configuration allows for fine-tuning of the LC circuit to maintain resonance at 60 Hz and achieve impedance matching if needed.


  1. LC Resonant Circuit: Utilize the high circulating reactive power at resonance.
  2. Direct Battery Integration: Connect batteries in a manner that allows them to charge without disrupting the reactive power oscillations significantly.
  3. Resistive and Inductive Loads: Use light bulbs and other inductive components to balance the load and manage current flow during different parts of the AC cycle.


Series LC Circuit with Batteries and Light Bulbs
  1. Resonant LC Circuit:
    • L: Inductor
    • C: Capacitor
  2. Direct Battery Charging:
    • Connect batteries directly into the LC circuit at points where they can charge during the positive half of the AC cycle and be protected from reverse current during the negative half.
  3. Light Bulbs as Loads:
    • Use light bulbs as resistive/inductive loads to absorb power during the negative half of the cycle, thus protecting the batteries.

Practical Considerations

  1. Voltage Levels:
    • Ensure the voltage levels in the LC circuit match the charging requirements of the batteries.
  2. Current Flow Management:
    • The light bulbs will naturally limit the current during the negative half-cycle, preventing reverse currents from damaging the batteries.
  3. Tuning:
    • Fine-tune the circuit to ensure that the LC circuit remains in resonance while effectively charging the batteries.
  4. Testing and Safety:
    • Start with lower power levels to test the setup.
    • Monitor the temperature and performance of the batteries and light bulbs to ensure they are operating within safe limits.

Challenges and Adjustments

  • Balance: Achieving the right balance between the reactive power accumulation and the load distribution is crucial.
  • Fine-Tuning: You may need to experiment with different configurations and component values to achieve optimal performance.
  • Monitoring: Continuously monitor the circuit's behavior to avoid overcharging or damaging the batteries.
By using this approach, you can tap into the reactive power of the LC circuit to charge batteries directly while using light bulbs to manage the current flow during the negative half-cycle. This should allow you to maintain the resonant condition and recover reactive power without the use of rectifiers.
Didn't the original moray generater utilize some sort of moray valve which was the semi conductor of some sort? Where is it here? Will this actually work if it is built according to this schematic? Where did this schematic come from?

(07-16-2024, 12:13 PM)ryanlego320 Wrote:
(05-23-2024, 03:35 PM)JoeLag Wrote: Good day folks here is the circuit diagram of the reactive solid state "Moray" generator!

A memo on fine tuning:  Big Grin

Given that both the inductance and capacitance are 70.48 µH and 70.48 µF respectively, the LC circuit is indeed resonant at 60 Hz. To fine-tune this circuit, You can optionally incorporate a parallel vacuum capacitor for small adjustments and a series capacitor for potential impedance matching.

### Verify Resonance Frequency

- **Inductance**:  (L = 70.48 
- **Capacitance**:  (C = 70.48
- **Resonance Frequency**: (60 
- **Parallel Vacuum Capacitor**: (C should range from 0 to 3.524 µF for fine-tuning.
- **Series Capacitor for Impedance Matching**:  approx 53.05 uF

*This configuration allows for fine-tuning of the LC circuit to maintain resonance at 60 Hz and achieve impedance matching if needed.


  1. LC Resonant Circuit: Utilize the high circulating reactive power at resonance.
  2. Direct Battery Integration: Connect batteries in a manner that allows them to charge without disrupting the reactive power oscillations significantly.
  3. Resistive and Inductive Loads: Use light bulbs and other inductive components to balance the load and manage current flow during different parts of the AC cycle.


Series LC Circuit with Batteries and Light Bulbs
  1. Resonant LC Circuit:
    • L: Inductor
    • C: Capacitor
  2. Direct Battery Charging:
    • Connect batteries directly into the LC circuit at points where they can charge during the positive half of the AC cycle and be protected from reverse current during the negative half.
  3. Light Bulbs as Loads:
    • Use light bulbs as resistive/inductive loads to absorb power during the negative half of the cycle, thus protecting the batteries.

Practical Considerations

  1. Voltage Levels:
    • Ensure the voltage levels in the LC circuit match the charging requirements of the batteries.
  2. Current Flow Management:
    • The light bulbs will naturally limit the current during the negative half-cycle, preventing reverse currents from damaging the batteries.
  3. Tuning:
    • Fine-tune the circuit to ensure that the LC circuit remains in resonance while effectively charging the batteries.
  4. Testing and Safety:
    • Start with lower power levels to test the setup.
    • Monitor the temperature and performance of the batteries and light bulbs to ensure they are operating within safe limits.

Challenges and Adjustments

  • Balance: Achieving the right balance between the reactive power accumulation and the load distribution is crucial.
  • Fine-Tuning: You may need to experiment with different configurations and component values to achieve optimal performance.
  • Monitoring: Continuously monitor the circuit's behavior to avoid overcharging or damaging the batteries.
By using this approach, you can tap into the reactive power of the LC circuit to charge batteries directly while using light bulbs to manage the current flow during the negative half-cycle. This should allow you to maintain the resonant condition and recover reactive power without the use of rectifiers.
Didn't the original moray generater utilize some sort of moray valve which was the semi conductor of some sort? Where is it here? Will this actually work if it is built according to this schematic? Where did this schematic come from?

Chat GPT assisted. You can feed it the image and it will tell you all about it.

Incandescent light bulbs are perfect resistors for exact wattage without needed cooling system, all overunity devices known have used them for exact this reason and they cost almost nothing compared with high power resistor. Also they can be used in series or parallel, for voltage protection they will act as a fuse as well, easy and cheap to replace.

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