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The Tesla Switch - Restoring Non-Chargeable Batteries

Here I show you the method:

This generator is powered by a modified 6-volt DC motor that operates at a slow speed of around 10 percent on a speed controller circuit, using only 25 mA. Despite this, it generates high-frequency AC at over 100 volts, which is limited to 110 volts by a protective lamp. The generator's output is rectified and stored in a 1 UF high-voltage microwave capacitor that charges very quickly to approximately 84 volts.

To discharge the capacitor and charge the batteries, a transistor capacitor dump circuit called the Tesla Switched is used. This circuit releases low-duty-cycle sharp timing pulses of 84 volts into the batteries, charging them in a few hours without traditional current-based charging. Remarkably, the batteries charge up cold and function better than before, running regular loads for longer periods.

This method is not only useful for charging batteries but also for restoring the memory of rechargeable batteries to their original state without using current-based charging. Essentially, this system provides $100 worth of energy in return for only $2 worth of trigger voltage, resulting in over-unity. With the world becoming more expensive, this system is an effective way to save money.

Very nice finding, I wonder if there is any applicability for electric vehicles ?

Also, I found another TeslaSwitch here

And my explanation for ridiculous long lasting aa batteries, is that if we make a return path to a battery in series with the load we can cancel real consumption of the load.

Somehow in that system batteries placed after load create an apparent negative resistance and the load appear as powering not consuming. Of course LEDs might add some charge as they usually do, but you can try with 1.5v dc toy dc motor to check if you wish but keep the led as a 1 way valve.

Every device or circuit that is closed is basically a short and will draw all the power it can (limited by components used), but if you leave the circuit “open” offering a return path being a cap, battery or ground the power draw from the source will be reduced to a minimum and we can collect bemf.
This is the basic principle of exploiting the gradient where the disturbance will be matched by the opposite end of the gradient as everything in the universe is to be balanced. Action and reaction.

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