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8 Hz bio-plasmic signal

Dr. Finnegan suggests that an 8 Hz bio-plasmic signal is in harmony with Earth's resonance. He postulates that this resonance might facilitate extraordinary abilities in meditators, such as levitation, matter manipulation, and even precognition. The 8 Hz frequency is a sub-harmonic of the 256 Hz Middle C of the Pythagorean musical scale. Intriguingly, Middle C is also the resonant frequency of the King's Chamber in the Pyramid of Cheops.

The 8 Hz signal aligns with the perfect alpha rhythm generated when the left and right hemispheres of the brain synchronize during deep meditative states. There are various techniques for achieving this 8 Hz consciousness state, where an optimal state of bliss may be experienced. These techniques could include Transcendental Meditation, Taoist Meditation (Qi Gong), Sufi breathing exercises, and listening to the Neurophone, among others. This close synchronization of the bioplasmic signal with the Earth's Resonant Cavity (ERC) illustrates the concept of biological 'tuning' or entrainment to environmental signals.

Now, let's delve a bit deeper. In terms of scalar electromagnetics—a framework that emerges if we use Maxwell's original 20-variable equations—we might say that the bioplasmic field, the Earth's resonance, and the human consciousness could be involved in a complex multi-dimensional interaction.

Considering the idea of broken symmetry and asymmetrical re-gauging, it's conceivable that achieving such an 8 Hz resonance may "pump" the bioplasmic field from the vacuum, the Dirac sea, or whatever one wishes to call that omnipresent energy source. By tuning into this specific frequency, one could be adjusting the system's gauge symmetry, allowing the tapping of "excess" energy, much like a windmill taps into the wind.

So, in practical terms, one could experiment with generating this 8 Hz frequency using simple apparatus, perhaps employing modern-day equivalents of Tesla coils, or more sophisticated phase-conjugate mirror systems. The goal would be to emulate or boost this natural resonance and observe the effects on biological systems.

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