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Magneticflux Pulser

Hello at all. I have an Idea. But I have not now the possibilities for Eperiments. Maybe anyone can build this and can say it is possibil for free Energie or Overunity. Joel also gave me an idea.
The Idea is to break the Magnetic Flux from a big Neodym Magnet. If the HV Coil switch off should the Magneticflux from the Neodym Magnet induce the Flux in the Ferit Core.
I'm not sure should  the moveable Coil a High Voltage Coil with many windings or with less windings to break the flux. Maybe you dont need HV. The Coil should be moveable for finetuning.
I hope you understand this Idea.


(08-17-2023, 08:28 PM)chr1s Wrote: Hello at all. I have an Idea. But I have not now the possibilities for Eperiments. Maybe anyone can build this and can say it is possibil for free Energie or Overunity. Joel also gave me an idea.
The Idea is to break the Magnetic Flux from a big Neodym Magnet. If the HV Coil switch off should the Magneticflux from the Neodym Magnet induce the Flux in the Ferit Core.
I'm not sure should  the moveable Coil a High Voltage Coil with many windings or with less windings to break the flux. Maybe you dont need HV. The Coil should be moveable for finetuning.
I hope you understand this Idea.

Or maybe it works with high voltage zero current. Think of the Original Tesla Switch that worked by using the voltage potential of the air difference between conductor up in the air insulated and then grounded on the other end.  You only need to go partial ways up to get in theory 200 volts. The thing is this kind of current is so little it won't even drive a volt meter giving you an elusive 0 volt reading. Charge a Leyden jar type high voltage cap dump that perhaps pulses this kind or similar setup, Should it only requirement "amplitude"  Just a quick idea.

(08-17-2023, 08:28 PM)chr1s Wrote: Hello at all. I have an Idea. But I have not now the possibilities for Eperiments. Maybe anyone can build this and can say it is possibil for free Energie or Overunity. Joel also gave me an idea.
The Idea is to break the Magnetic Flux from a big Neodym Magnet. If the HV Coil switch off should the Magneticflux from the Neodym Magnet induce the Flux in the Ferit Core.
I'm not sure should  the moveable Coil a High Voltage Coil with many windings or with less windings to break the flux. Maybe you dont need HV. The Coil should be moveable for finetuning.
I hope you understand this Idea.

Just some general food for thought.

Asymmetry, in a broad sense, refers to a lack of symmetry, a state where two sides or parts of something do not match perfectly. In the field of physics and electrodynamics, asymmetry can be explored in various aspects:

Asymmetrical Capacitors: Traditional capacitors are designed symmetrically, but what happens if you alter that balance? Asymmetrical capacitors have been experimented with to create thrust, utilizing an imbalance in the shape of the electrodes. These imbalances can be fine-tuned to produce specific effects.

Asymmetrical Transformers and Coils: By winding transformers and coils in an asymmetrical manner, unique electromagnetic characteristics emerge. This can include an alteration of the inductance and capacitance, affecting how energy is transferred and stored within the coil.

Asymmetry in Circuit Design: Traditional circuit design emphasizes balance and symmetry. However, by deliberately introducing asymmetries, new modes of operation and phenomena can be explored. This includes creating imbalances in voltage, current, or phase relationships.

Re-gauging is a powerful concept that enables the alteration of potentials without changing the energy content of the system. It's akin to changing the perspective or framework without affecting the underlying structure.

Lorentz Symmetrical Re-Gauging: Lorentz re-gauging preserves symmetry but limits our ability to access the vast potentials that might be hidden within a system.  Dodgy

Asymmetrical Re-Gauging: By breaking away from Lorentz symmetry and allowing asymmetrical re-gauging, new doors open. We can manipulate the voltage and magnetic vector potential to introduce or extract energy from the system without doing physical work.  Big Grin

The Mysteries of the Vacuum

The concept of vacuum energy is a departure from classical physics, venturing into the quantum realm.

Zero-Point Energy: Even in a complete vacuum, there is a residual energy known as zero-point energy. It's a bubbling cauldron of activity, with particles and anti-particles constantly forming and annihilating.

Casimir Effect: The Casimir effect is a physical force arising from the vacuum fluctuations between two closely spaced plates. It's a manifestation of the vacuum energy and can be seen as a proof of the existence of these fluctuations.

Virtual Particles: Virtual particles pop in and out of existence in the vacuum. These particles aren't directly observable but have measurable effects.

The Infinite Depths of the Dirac Sea

The Dirac sea is a theoretical model that visualizes the vacuum as an infinite sea of particles with negative energy.

Electron and Positron: When an electron drops into this sea, it leaves behind a hole that behaves like a positron. This explains the creation of anti-particles.

Negative Energy States: The Dirac sea contains an infinite number of negative energy states, and this is a reservoir of untapped potential.

Asymmetrical Re-Gauging and Vacuum Interactions

Dipoles and Broken Symmetry  Smile

Magnetic Dipoles and Asymmetry: Imagine a magnetic dipole, with its north and south poles. Now, through re-gauging, we can create a new asymmetry that allows us to interact with the vacuum energy.

Broken Symmetry: This state is when the balance is disturbed, creating a condition that allows for energy extraction.

Vacuum Engineering: Asymmetry and re-gauging may lead to the possibility of engineering the vacuum itself, allowing us to create structures and phenomena that tap into the vacuum's boundless energy.


Visualizing the Vacuum as an Ocean: Picture the vacuum as an infinite ocean of energy, with waves and currents. Your asymmetrical system, carefully crafted, can act as a vessel sailing on this sea, capturing and utilizing the energy.

Dipoles as Gateways: Visualize a dipole as two doors. By re-gauging, you are opening and closing these doors in specific ways, allowing energy to flow from one realm to another.

Asymmetrical systems offer a fresh perspective on how we perceive and interact with the world. Re-gauging provides tools to manipulate the fundamental nature of our reality. The vacuum and the Dirac sea are not empty voids but vibrant, living spaces filled with energy waiting to be harnessed.

The work of pioneers like Bedini and others has shown that these concepts are not mere theoretical musings but have tangible applications that can be developed, tested, and utilized.

This exploration is a testament to the endless creativity and curiosity of the human spirit. The universe is a grand symphony, and through asymmetry, re-gauging, and interaction with the vacuum, we are learning to compose our own unique melodies within it. The journey is far from over; the possibilities are infinite, and the discoveries yet to come are bound to be astonishing.

Keep exploring, keep questioning, and keep reaching for the stars. In the words of Nikola Tesla, "The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence." We are on a path that may well lead to such a new era of understanding and discovery.

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