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Available Voltage and Almost No Current Phenomena

I have noticed that most researchers and experimenters reach to the same spot in their experiments: static electricity where current, as we know it, is small or almost undetectable, while voltage is well pronounced.

Tesla, Paul Baumann (Testatika), Paul Newman, and many more do the same. I haven't read Bedini's works, but from what I have seen he's using pressure (voltage) almost exclusively. The same occurs with your experiments, Joel, where you try to avoid current at all costs.

I've been always wondering why people say there's no energy in the static electricity while you get a very solid shock when you get in touch with it. The human body works in a similar fashion. The currents are quite weak while the voltages are easily measured. The human is a very efficient organism and this makes me think that voltage-controlled operations are the most efficient.

I've just read a couple of Bedini's replies (to letters or on forums, not sure) and saw that what we are not able to detect or measure is what is actually doing the work. Joseph Newman also says something similar (recalling from memory): current is a measure of power dissipation or power loss. Tesla also detects current by seeing how much losses there are in an induction coil charged by static electricity (the Tesla transformer).

When Tesla describes ways to utilize the static electricity he presents new kinds of lamps and new motors. As most of those were not adopted (with certain exceptions like the fluorescent lamps) we are struggling to find ways to convert the electricity that is found in nature (static electricity) into the electricity we are using right now and I feel there's something totally wrong about it. It is like buying an expensive tablet to use it as a cutting board.

Well the thing is the "electrostatic" shock or high voltage electron flow will spike very similar to the back emf, We can use electrostatic in other ways such as taking advantage of the pure electron flow of voltage difference between another material. Doesn't even have to be a conductor and you got yourself a form of AC. That's of course because of such electron charge voltage difference between the two objects. For lower voltages we can direct the mostly pure voltage pulses with diodes, isolators and other methods. It's very interesting indeed.

I agree.

For years I have been thinking that "normal electricity" is actually a form of a very low-frequency low-voltage static electricity. Tesla said that high frequency, high-voltage, and low-amperage is better, more economical, and safer, but nowadays we use low frequency. low voltage, and high current. It's expensive, full of dangers, and with high losses.

Most of those who have tried the one-wire energy transfer (with a Tesla transformer) know that this is a great approach, especially when you can even power devices under water, but we don't use it today.

Even people like me, who don't have a formal electrical education, it's still difficult to wrap my mind around the notion, that it's possible to have power with just voltage if we manipulate it the right way. We can even covert it to "normal electricity", which most of us struggle to do yet. Getting voltage (even nigh voltage) and low amperage is much more accessible than high amperage. Today's electrical society bows before Mr. Current.

tihomir, I don't know if this will be useful or not, or even accurate, but I studied HV devices in the past and came to some conclusions. Granted, this is different than the Tesla systems, but it does relate to HV and static machines.

In a nutshell, I think there's a way to get "free energy" from static machines. It's a bit different than what we expect when we think of useful work produced by electricity.

Static machines, like a Van De Graaff or Wimshurst, work by moving a charge physically from one place to another. A VDG uses an insulating belt to move the charge to the sphere. In operation, as charge builds up so does the voltage on the sphere.

Technically, these are considered a current source because they produce a current across a high internal resistance (in this case, the insulating belt). This makes them different from voltage sources like batteries or generators that have a low internal resistance. An ideal current source has an infinite internal resistance.

We think of static machines as only producing high voltage and low current but that's not accurate. They produce a current, but the voltage is determined by the load. Now I advise anyone interested to read-up on an ideal current source, but the jist of it is- as an ideal current source has infinite internal resistance, as load resistance approaches infinity so does voltage. This has real-world implications that have never been tested.

Basically, if you had a VDG capable of producing .25 amps, then you could power a 30W lightbulb (480 Ohms) and see that the VDG is producing 120V. This is because I (.25A) x R (480 Ohms) = 120V.

But because it's a current source if I put two bulbs in series, we'd see both bulbs light up and the voltage would increase to 240V. If three bulbs were powered in series, the voltage would increase to 360V. And this is because voltage will always increase to the point at which it allows the full current to flow across the load resistance.

So theoretically, if I put 100 30W bulbs in series, the load resistance would be 48K Ohms, the current across all of the bulbs would be .25A, and the voltage on the VDG would be 12KV.

My point in this whole book of text is that if we had a static machine that produced a decent current, we could power every lightbulb in the city, at the cost of running the motor on the static machine. But like I said, this has never been tested on a large sclae, and I doubt many people have interpreted a current source to act this way. I do have a small VDG, but the current is too low to power any bulbs. Although I could probably use it to power hundreds or thousands of fluorescent tubes.

So, if I understand correctly what you saying here we can use incandescent bulbs instead of any resistor.

But, the cherry on top of the cake is the RESISTANCE ! So, we have LC circuits which in fact are RLC as we can never neglect the resistance. Now if we consider an ideal power source with infinite resistance we can see there is a perfect match for parallel RLC … and Don Smith said that he would fit an resistor across the input of transformer … this will simply split the electric energy in 2 components and let the pure potential to flow in coil.

(08-09-2024, 05:07 PM)Mozart Wrote: So, if I understand correctly what you saying here we can use incandescent bulbs instead of any resistor.

But, the cherry on top of the cake is the RESISTANCE ! So, we have LC circuits which in fact are RLC as we can never neglect the resistance. Now if we consider an ideal power source with infinite resistance we can see there is a perfect match for parallel RLC … and Don Smith said that he would fit an resistor across the input of transformer … this will simply split the electric energy in 2 components and let the pure potential to flow in coil.

PEG cell seems to work well for this. It has near infinite resistance. Can't measure it with regular equipment but it still lets a minute amount of potential flow or else there would be no series loop possible even if with electrostatic interactions if it does the job it's all good.  And I noticed that even at around 100 volts it does a good job at keeping the pure potential and leaving back current.

(08-09-2024, 05:11 PM)JoeLag Wrote:
(08-09-2024, 05:07 PM)Mozart Wrote: So, if I understand correctly what you saying here we can use incandescent bulbs instead of any resistor.

But, the cherry on top of the cake is the RESISTANCE ! So, we have LC circuits which in fact are RLC as we can never neglect the resistance. Now if we consider an ideal power source with infinite resistance we can see there is a perfect match for parallel RLC … and Don Smith said that he would fit an resistor across the input of transformer … this will simply split the electric energy in 2 components and let the pure potential to flow in coil.

PEG cell seems to work well for this. It has near infinite resistance. Can't measure it with regular equipment but it still lets a minute amount of potential flow or else there would be no series loop possible even if with electrostatic interactions if it does the job it's all good.  And I noticed that even at around 100 volts it does a good job at keeping the pure potential and leaving back current.

This is exactly why I have to mention it.

I can’t stress enough how useful is Colorado Spring Notes of Tesla at page 62 you can find best description for the relation between capacitance, inductance and frequency. Also, best wires or sheets for primary. Much more advanced explanations can be found in Arie Melis deGeus patents and books. Mainstream science heretically fail to public acknowledge 200 years old discoveries or even older if we can comprehend Baghdad batteries and Djed pillars seen in pyramids once we understand electricity can be transmitted using dielectric materials/elements.

This stupid way were modern science tell us we need a huge input to create a large output it simply drives me crazy … the nature can supply all energy we need with and we need a very little input for this, the limit is set by components of the system we use.

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This stupid way were modern science tell us we need a huge input to create a large output it simply drives me crazy … the nature can supply all energy we need with and we need a very little input for this, the limit is set by components of the system we use.

Tom Bearden says it out right. Go ahead and add all that impedance in the circuit. But what they hardly ever mention is when we talk R we usually look at it from the DC or static value perspective. With AC/RF those in circuit impedances can drastically alter.  In other words go ahead and add all that extra impedance but make sure its tuned at the optimal frequency while operational and we should be just fine.

So, do you think we should use PEG cell (or water battery) instead of capacitor in an LC circuit, provided that there will be a matching impedance ? … I mean if there is a “self charging” capacitor (aka PEG cell) the LC will self oscillate for as long as “capacitor” is able to provide electric output ?
What method can we use to determine the frequency in such circuit and use appropriate length of wire ?

(08-10-2024, 07:43 AM)Mozart Wrote:
(08-09-2024, 05:11 PM)JoeLag Wrote:
(08-09-2024, 05:07 PM)Mozart Wrote: So, if I understand correctly what you saying here we can use incandescent bulbs instead of any resistor.

But, the cherry on top of the cake is the RESISTANCE ! So, we have LC circuits which in fact are RLC as we can never neglect the resistance. Now if we consider an ideal power source with infinite resistance we can see there is a perfect match for parallel RLC … and Don Smith said that he would fit an resistor across the input of transformer … this will simply split the electric energy in 2 components and let the pure potential to flow in coil.

PEG cell seems to work well for this. It has near infinite resistance. Can't measure it with regular equipment but it still lets a minute amount of potential flow or else there would be no series loop possible even if with electrostatic interactions if it does the job it's all good.  And I noticed that even at around 100 volts it does a good job at keeping the pure potential and leaving back current.

This is exactly why I have to mention it.

I can’t stress enough how useful is Colorado Spring Notes of Tesla at page 62 you can find best description for the relation between capacitance, inductance and frequency. Also, best wires or sheets for primary. Much more advanced explanations can be found in Arie Melis deGeus patents and books. Mainstream science heretically fail to public acknowledge 200 years old discoveries or even older if we can comprehend Baghdad batteries and Djed pillars seen in pyramids once we understand electricity can be transmitted using dielectric materials/elements.

This stupid way were modern science tell us we need a huge input to create a large output it simply drives me crazy … the nature can supply all energy we need with and we need a very little input for this, the limit is set by components of the system we use.

(08-11-2024, 08:05 AM)Mozart Wrote: So, do you think we should use PEG cell (or water battery) instead of capacitor in an LC circuit, provided that there will be a matching impedance ? … I mean if there is a “self charging” capacitor (aka PEG cell) the LC will self oscillate for as long as “capacitor” is able to provide electric output ?
What method can we use to determine the frequency in such circuit and use appropriate length of wire ?

I think the blinky led was the simplest to trigger self oscillations with the peg cell and loop it trough a transformer for the pulse.  Oh course there is a million ways to go from here....

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