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Ferroelectric like properties of PEG cell and other features

@Mozart I believe what I see in your video, but I don't believe there is no current flowing. Why didn't you demonstrate that there really is no current flowing here? after all, if it's true, it's the most important thing to show. But I would like to focus only on the PEG Cell properties and their measurements in this thread please. otherwise it will be a mess. If there is already a more appropriate thread for discussing your claims, we can continue there or start a new one.
@JoeLag You said in one video that you wanted more people outside of your echochamber to be involved in the discussion. This is of course a good thing. And surely you agree with me when I say that if you want to convince someone that you are right, evidence is necessary and debate is inevitable. I hope this forum is intended for that. There is a claim that what we see on the scope is a consequence of the voltage kickback produced by the cell, and the same effect cannot be achieved with ordinary batteries without additional components (as written in the comments). The only evidence presented is the waveform on scope (it is the only video where the Cell is measured with an oscilloscope without other connected components). I claim that this is not true because I can replicate the same effect with ordinary batteries (without any other components), and I present an explanation of this effect. I also claim that the scope in ACmod is not a suitable way of measuring these things because it will show distorted results. When I'm home I'll also present screens from the scope showing the same effect achieved using ordinary batteries as proof. So if you claim that Cell produces these unique kickbacks, then it shouldn't be a problem to show them on the scope in DCmode as evidence. If there is any reason why it wouldn't be possible to see it in DCmode, please present it. The way it is now is like measuring the voltage from the mains using a DC voltmeter with a rectifier and claiming that this is proof that there is DC voltage in the mains. Of course there is no dc, but you measure it because there is a rectifier in your setup. That's why I'm trying to say that there are no kickbacks, but you see them because there is a capacitor inside the scope.
If you all are serious then I hope you are willing to discuss it and provide evidence for your claims.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Ferroelectric like properties of PEG cell and other features - by AbitAnnoying - 07-23-2024, 10:25 AM

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