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Quanta as Field Vortices

Quanta as Field Vortices

Field-Theoretical Approach
The field-theoretical approach suggests removing the electron from traditional field equations and introducing the concept of potential vortices in the electric field. This approach posits that electromagnetic waves can spontaneously form vortices when disturbed, leading to the creation of vortex particles. These particles, compressed into tiny spheres due to the concentration effect of the potential vortex, owe their physical reality to:

Concentration Effect: The potential vortex compresses the particle to a small dimension.
Oscillation Localization: The particle oscillates around a fixed point, giving it stability and localization.

Key Concepts and Questions

Why is the Elementary Quantum Stable?
Answer: The stability of elementary quanta, such as electrons, arises from the potential vortex formation in environments with poor conductivity, like a vacuum.

Poor Conductivity: Increases the formation of potential vortices.
Concentration Effect: Compresses particles into smaller, more stable spherical forms.
Relaxation Time: Longer relaxation times in poor conductive environments slow down the decay of vortices, leading to increased stability.
In the ideal vacuum, spherical vortices have absolute stability due to the absence of conductivity, preventing decay.

Why Does Every Particle of Matter Have an Antiparticle?
Answer: Each vortex can oscillate in two directions, creating two types of spherical vortices with equal rights.

Opposite Oscillation: Vortices can oscillate in either direction, resulting in matter and antimatter counterparts.

Why Are Particles and Antiparticles Incompatible?
Answer: Particles and antiparticles are incompatible because of their contrary swirl directions.

Mutual Destruction: Like two trains on a collision course on a single track, particles and antiparticles tend to annihilate each other when they meet.
Quantum Physical Approach vs. Field-Theoretical Approach
The traditional quantum physical approach has struggled to answer these fundamental questions, leading to the introduction of hypothetical particles like gluons to explain binding forces. However, the field-theoretical approach offers a different perspective:

Observable Phenomena: It explains the contraction observed in both the microcosm and macrocosm without introducing unobservable new matter.
Sluons and Gluons: Traditional theory posits gluons as massless binding particles exerting pressure on quarks, yet these particles remain undetected and their properties are speculative.
Practical Implications and Experiments

To explore these concepts practically, consider the following experiments:

1. Creating and Observing Vortex Particles


Materials: High-frequency electromagnetic wave generator, vacuum chamber, sensors for electric and magnetic fields.

Generate high-frequency electromagnetic waves in the vacuum chamber.
Introduce disturbances to induce vortex formation.
Use sensors to detect and measure the resulting vortices.

What to Look For:

Vortex Formation: Observe the formation of potential vortices and their stability over time.
Particle Behavior: Measure how these vortices compress and oscillate, indicating the presence of vortex particles.
2. Studying Particle and Antiparticle Interactions


Materials: Particle accelerator, detectors for particle collisions, data analysis software.

Accelerate particles and antiparticles towards each other.
Observe and record the interactions and annihilations.
Analyze the resulting energy release and particle behavior.

What to Look For:

Annihilation Events: Document instances where particles and antiparticles annihilate each other.
Energy Conversion: Measure the energy released during these events, consistent with  E = mc^2


The field-theoretical approach, which introduces potential vortices, provides coherent explanations for the stability and behavior of elementary particles. It addresses why particles appear as monopoles, why they are spherical, and why each particle has a corresponding antiparticle. By exploring these concepts experimentally, we can gain deeper insights into the fundamental nature of matter and antimatter, potentially leading to new discoveries in particle physics and field theory. This perspective aligns with innovative approaches to understanding electromagnetic phenomena and their implications.

### The Photon as a Vortex Ring

The concept of the photon can be understood through the lens of potential vortices, drawing on principles from flow dynamics. By examining how vortex rings behave, we can derive several properties of the photon.

### Vortex Rings in Flow Dynamics

1. **Vortex Ring Propagation**:
  - Vortex rings are not stationary; they propagate through space at a constant speed.
  - The speed of propagation increases as the ring diameter decreases.
  - Two vortex rings with the same axis and direction of rotation can oscillate around each other, attracting, accelerating, and contracting.

### Applying Vortex Ring Properties to Electromagnetic Fields

#### Formation of Photon from Electron and Positron

1. **Electron and Positron Interaction**:
  - An electron (e-) and a positron (e+) have opposite swirl directions and attract each other.
  - Instead of mutual destruction, they can open their vortex centers to form a stable vortex ring.
  - In this configuration, the positively charged center of the electron matches the swirl direction of the positron, allowing stable oscillation.

2. **Oscillating Electron-Positron Pair**:
  - The oscillation of this pair results in alternating positive and negative charges.
  - Over time, the average charge is zero, meaning no net electromagnetic interaction.
  - The particle alternates between matter and antimatter states, resulting in no net mass.

### Properties of the Photon

1. **Mass and Charge**:
  - The oscillating nature of the electron-positron pair means the photon has no measurable mass or charge.
  - It interacts primarily through the oscillation of the dual vortices.

2. **Propagation and Polarizability**:
  - The open center of the oscillating particle means it is not stationary but propagates at the speed of light ©.
  - This propagation prevents rotation around the x- or y-axis, but allows for rotation around the z-axis, giving the particle its polarizability.

3. **Spin and Angular Momentum**:
  - The photon exhibits a spin of one quantum of angular momentum (h-bar).
  - If the electron and positron rotate around the common z-axis in opposite directions, the average spin will be zero.

4. **Oscillation Frequency**:
  - The photon is characterized by a constant oscillation frequency, which can vary but must remain constant for each photon.

### Conclusion: Photon as a Quantum of Light

By analyzing the potential vortex theory, we derive the following properties for the photon:

1. **No Mass or Charge**: Due to the alternating states of matter and antimatter.
2. **Propagation at Speed of Light**: The open center allows the photon to move at c.
3. **Spin of Quantum Angular Momentum**: Derived from the intrinsic rotation around the z-axis.
4. **Constant Oscillation Frequency**: A fundamental characteristic of the photon.

These derived properties align with the known characteristics of photons in quantum mechanics, suggesting that photons can indeed be understood as oscillating vortex rings of electromagnetic fields.

This interpretation provides a novel perspective on the nature of photons, integrating flow dynamics and vortex theory into the field-theoretical framework of quantum electrodynamics. This approach not only enhances our understanding of photons but also offers potential insights into other quantum phenomena through the lens of field vortices.

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Quanta as Field Vortices - by JoeLag - 07-19-2024, 11:35 PM

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