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Silicate Magic Rock infinite battery

How to use this gradient ? You need to test with your “condenser” how fast it reach maximum voltage and what is average of this potential … also you may observe when you short electrodes what is the voltage which shows up instantly … consider an “joule thief” working for this instant potential or work out how you can reasonably improve its amplitude if neccessary.

I guess “what if I did this” youtube channel may be of inspiration with single transistor setup. If you manage to get the multilayer solenoid wire exact 4 times longer than bifilar you got what you are looking for. Play with diameter former on any online calculator until you get them right and consider 9-10 turns for bifilar with smaller resistance you can afford to buy always consider total length of wire including connections.

Consider testing in a field where EMI is less for true radiant energy collection … otherwise you may find out when grid power is switched off you can not use your device.

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RE: Silicate Magic Rock infinite battery - by Mozart - 06-30-2024, 12:44 PM

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