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Tesla Method of Utilizing Radiant Energy

(02-15-2024, 06:08 PM)Scramb3r Wrote: If you use a battery as the ground, an AV plug will allow you to charge the battery at the same time as using it as ground.

This is also true, Don Smith has said this in his first presentation of devices.

Now regarding the elevated plate, after some research and taking in consideration observation of Tesla as to use high polished aluminium OR amalgamated metal is related to absorption of radiation, and amalgam is an alloy of mercury with copper and aluminium. While this amalgam was available until late 1990 now you can not get it without a licence nor touching any mercury.

So, copper or titanium oxide are very good absorber of UV, but in order to contain the radiation they must be enveloped in an aluminium encasement to make it safe if a continuous source of UV is used.

Now, regarding the coating of aluminium plate I would say is a good practice as long as this coating is equivalent of adding a good absorbant of UV and not only electrical insulation.

For example, nano size scale of UV radiation would require a nano piece of copper to be exposed which is mostly impractical in order to become resonant, but if a copper plating is used on aluminium, everything would change. So, as we know graphene is a very good absorber of UV radiation as well and a coating applied to aluminium would improve dramatically the output, while using capacitors to adjust the resonant frequency would work even better.

All this simplify a possible design where a a simple box of aluminium coated with graphene is used, an insulated conductor will provide a connection to the ground for neutral line through an capacitor which should be chosen for resonance adjusting and storage of electricity. All energy will be then taken from the capacitor to power the circuit we want with the observation that there will be a very high frequency which needs further processing for desired usage.
Or, a direct connection from the box to a full bridge rectifier and ground connection for neutral will provide double high frequency pulsed dc which needs further processing for intended use.

Obviously any of the circuits provided in patent can be used as well if a different approach is desired and electronic means are not the first choice, but even if this path is taken a switching method must be in place as per patent drawings.

According to some preliminary calculus if a 0.001 w/sqm power density from a continuous UV source in a box as above at a frequency in order of terra hertz would provide a tremendous power output … which seems to be achievable with just an array of UV LEDs.
So, the output directly depend of the power density generated by led in the box … for simplicity i can think of a flood light with an decent array of UV leds available off the shelf which can be enclosed in an aluminium box coated with graphene.
Also an aluminium sheet of 2-3 mm thick can be polished directly with graphite powder without any coating as long as it will be pretty good insulated from external factors. The box should be designed in such a way to receive maximum UV flux on its inside surface and a very good connection with calibrated size conductor must be employed.

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