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Caduceus coil

I really don't understand your approach, but nevertheless try doing it this way to produce scalar waves, you can follow theseĀ  steps -

1. Start by constructing a scalar wave generator. This typically involves creating a coil using two parallel wires wound in opposite directions. The number of windings and the dimensions of the coil will depend on the specific design you are following.

2. Connect the coil to a power source. Scalar wave generators often use high-frequency alternating current (AC) sources, such as radio frequency (RF) generators. Ensure that the power source is compatible with the coil and can generate the desired frequency range.

3. Activate the power source and adjust the frequency to the desired range. Scalar wave generators typically operate in the kilohertz (kHz) to megahertz (MHz) range. Experiment with different frequencies to find the optimal output.

4. Measure the voltage across the scalar coil. Use a multimeter or an oscilloscope to measure the voltage across the coil terminals. This will help you determine if the coil is generating scalar waves.

5. Analyze the waveform. Scalar waves are believed to have unique properties, such as a non-hertzian nature and the ability to propagate through solid objects. However, detecting and analyzing scalar waves can be challenging since they are not part of the conventional electromagnetic spectrum.

Example of specific design for a scalar wave generator using a bifilar coil:

Materials needed:
1. Two 22-gauge copper wires (approximately 10 meters each)
2. PVC pipe with a diameter of 5 cm and a length of 20 cm
3. Wire cutters and strippers
4. Soldering iron and solder
5. Power source (e.g., 9V battery or power supply)

Step-by-step procedure:

1. Cut two equal lengths of the 22-gauge copper wire, each approximately 10 meters long.

2. Strip about 1 cm of insulation from each end of the wires using wire strippers.

3. Twist the two wires together at one end to form a secure connection. This will be the starting point of your coil.

4. Slide the twisted end of the wires into the PVC pipe, leaving about 10 cm of wire sticking out.

5. Begin winding the wires around the PVC pipe in opposite directions. For example, if you wind one wire clockwise, wind the other wire counterclockwise. Wind the wires tightly and evenly spaced.

6. Continue winding until you have completed around 100 windings, or until you reach the desired number specified in your design.

7. Once you have completed the windings, secure the other end of the wires by twisting them together.

8. Use a soldering iron and solder to create a strong electrical connection between the twisted wire ends at both ends of the coil.

9. Connect one end of the coil to the positive terminal of your power source and the other end to the negative terminal.

10. Turn on the power source and observe any output signals or effects. Be cautious and follow safety precautions when working with electrical devices.

Remember, this is just one example of a specific design for a scalar wave generator....

Messages In This Thread
Caduceus coil - by youshitsune - 01-07-2024, 04:22 PM
RE: Caduceus coil - by worldcup - 01-07-2024, 06:08 PM
RE: Caduceus coil - by youshitsune - 01-07-2024, 08:04 PM
RE: Caduceus coil - by JoeLag - 01-11-2024, 08:43 PM
RE: Caduceus coil - by youshitsune - 01-18-2024, 08:53 AM
RE: Caduceus coil - by youshitsune - 01-12-2024, 11:54 AM
RE: Caduceus coil - by worldcup - 01-12-2024, 12:33 PM
RE: Caduceus coil - by youshitsune - 01-14-2024, 05:38 PM
RE: Caduceus coil - by youshitsune - 01-23-2024, 03:21 PM
RE: Caduceus coil - by JoeLag - 01-23-2024, 03:44 PM
RE: Caduceus coil - by youshitsune - 01-23-2024, 05:28 PM
RE: Caduceus coil - by youshitsune - 03-07-2024, 05:02 AM
RE: Caduceus coil - by Mozart - 03-07-2024, 10:14 PM

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