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Watsons Self Powering Generator

(03-29-2023, 12:23 AM)JoeLag Wrote: yes that has always been the case, the lobbyists and the big energy firm have always opposed this kind of technology, they have always worked for the suppression of this kind of technology, either by buying up the patents or by discrediting the inventor, until ruined it.

Générateur auto-alimenté Watsons

Jim Watson a présenté un générateur auto-alimenté de 8 kilowatts lors de la conférence internationale Tesla à Colorado Springs. Ce générateur était une extension modifiée de moteurs et générateurs plus petits intégrés par  Bedini  sur une période de plusieurs années. Lors de la conférence, les ingénieurs du public ont été invités à la plate-forme pour effectuer leurs propres mesures indépendantes de l'unité, pendant qu'elle fonctionnait et alimentait sa charge. Les ingénieurs ont directement confirmé que le système fournissait de l'énergie à la charge (comme on pouvait également le voir visuel) et qu'il rechargeait également ses batteries.
Fait intéressant, l'une des batteries de Watson a été volée cette nuit-là. La raison était évidente. Tout d'abord, à la conférence était présent l'une des principales personnes chargées de la suppression des systèmes d'alimentation électrique COP>1.0 dans le monde entier, ainsi que plusieurs de ses acolytes. Puisqu'ils ont été impliqués dans la suppression de plusieurs dizaines de systèmes COP>1.0 similaires, ils connaissent parfaitement à la fois la théorie des systèmes d'alimentation électrique COP>1.0 et les différents types d'appareils et de mécanismes qui ont été inventés dans ce domaine au cours du siècle dernier. .
L'une des caractéristiques de l'unité de Watson était qu'elle chargeait les batteries avec de l'énergie négative (c'est-à-dire avec le courant de trou marin de Dirac, ou "énergie froide" comme on l'appelle parfois), et pouvait utiliser de l'énergie négative pour alimenter l'unité. Par conséquent, ses batteries se sont chargées d'énergie négative lorsque la machine fonctionnait et alimentait ses charges. Après de nombreuses démonstrations et exécutions, une telle batterie chargée négativement a son vide incurvé local chargé d'un nombre appréciable de trous de Dirac non remplis. Un tel "supersystème de batterie" chargé négativement absorbera alors une charge d'énergie positive (charge de courant d'électrons) pendant une période prolongée avant de commencer à changer de tension et d'accepter la charge positive. Au lieu de cela, pendant cette période initiale prolongée, la batterie "mangera simplement des courants d'électrons et de l'énergie positive"
Un moyen très simple de savoir absolument si une unité telle que celle de Watson (sans convertisseur d'énergie négative Bedini) est authentique ou non, consiste simplement à prendre une de ses batteries d'une unité qui a fonctionné un peu et à la recharger sur un chargeur de batterie classique. S'il présente ce phénomène de recharge en deux phases, cela prouve que l'appareil est réel et qu'il s'agit bien d'un véritable dispositif COP>1.0, ou qu'il a certainement le potentiel de l'être. Couplé à la démonstration et aux mesures indépendantes, cela a levé tous les doutes sur la validité du système COP>1.0 de Watson.
So it appears that certain parties who were concerned about that system decided to do the "simple test" to see if Watson's device was real. It was real, and so they discovered. At that point, the High Cabal — Winston Churchill's term — recognized they had another successful unit and inventor to suppress.
Bedini and I were in close contact with Watson over a period of years, as often as three or more times a week. Later, some time after that conference, abruptly Jim ceased all communication with his former close colleagues. For two days a rather crazy recording was on his phone, stating the Watsons had moved. Then that disappeared. Watson never again contacted either Bedini or me, or his own financial backer (the late R. J. Reynolds III). Even Reynolds could not find Watson's whereabouts at that time.
We are quite certain that Watson received the "offer he could not refuse". Simply put, this is the old Mafia trick of visiting the target, offering him a deal, and he has no choice but to accept or die. When this is used to suppress COP>1.0 systems, and some medical systems, the offer is usually: "Accept the money andyou and your family will live very comfortably, but you will never openly work on this again or communicate it. You either accept our generous offer, or you and your family will be dead when we leave here." Assuming that happened Watson had no choice but to accept the several million dollars offered him.
He is still alive, because Jeane Manning physically ran into him at a conference — and recognized him and spoke to him — whereupon he withdrew abruptly and left the conference very hastily.
Suppression of Free Energy Systems Has Been Common
This is only one of many cases we know of where such suppression of overunity systems and inventors has been accomplished. Others are not so benign. Marinov was killed with a longitudinal EM wave shooter in Europe, and his body was thrown off a building to make it appear a suicide. The police allowed the body to lie on the pavement for a protracted time (it was emitting longitudinal EM waves from the time-charging action of the strike). When finally moved, the pavement glowed in that area that had been underneath the body. Only one weapon on earth will kill a person in that manner, and that is a longitudinal EM wave "shooter".
Another prominent researcher was killed with a Venus technique (look it up, it's a distortion of the wave front) modified beam that plunges the heart into violent fibrillations. He rushed from a restaurant exclaiming, "They're killing me!" and died of a resulting heart attack. The present author was hit with just such a weapon in a restaurant here in Huntsville. A friend and I actually saw the weapon and the person wielding it. Knowing what it was and recognizing the symptoms, my seated companion and I were able to bolt out of the nearby back door during that minute or so we could still physically function. I personally saw the device and the person doing the beaming, and I have a witness to the event.
The partner of a colleague in Australia was killed on an upper floor by such a shooter from the street below, right through the walls. The assassin was observed, and was seen putting the bazooka-sized shooter back in his car, then speeding away. There are many other true incidents we could also relate, including a person killed by an ice-dart dipped in curare (a very professional hit method, used by some of the sinister arms of various intelligence systems). So there is more than just scientific work involved in pursuing COP>1.0 EM power systems. There can also be a direct threat to one's life, essentially at any time.
Almost any serious overunity researcher, who succeeds, will have had confrontations with assassination attempts, suppression attempts, threats, deliberate legal entanglements, etc. The present author is no exception. It is sad that one of the prerequisites for serious scientific work in this area is often a legal gun permit (for both the inventor and his wife) and either legally carrying a hidden weapon or never being very far from a weapon when working at home. As an old soldier, of course, one just shrugs and accepts it, and gets on with the job to the best of one's ability, albeit remaining very watchful and always on guard.

Messages In This Thread
Watsons Self Powering Generator - by JoeLag - 03-29-2023, 12:23 AM
RE: Watsons Self Powering Generator - by zens - 03-29-2023, 12:12 PM

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