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The Bethe-Heitler Process

### Pair Creation and Photon Decay

The concept of pair creation, also known as the Bethe-Heitler process, provides strong evidence for the vortex model of photons. In this process, a photon decays into an electron and a positron when it interacts with a strong field, such as that found near an atomic nucleus.

### Photon to Electron-Positron Pair

1. **Pair Creation Process**

  - When a photon interacts with a strong external field, it can transform into an electron (e-) and a positron (e+). This process is observable and demonstrates the transformation of electromagnetic energy into matter and antimatter.

  - The electron and positron briefly localize and become detectable as individual particles.

2. **Form and Structure**

  - **Photon**

 In the vortex model, the photon consists of two oscillating discs. It does not participate in electromagnetic interactions because its electric field lines run internally between the discs.

  - **Electron and Positron** 

These particles are spherical in shape. The transformation from photon to electron-positron pair involves opening the field lines, which requires energy corresponding to the sum of the energies of the two particles.

### Conservation and Properties

1. **Energy Conservation**

  - During pair creation, energy is conserved as the photon's energy is converted into the mass and kinetic energy of the electron and positron.
  - Conversely, when an electron and positron annihilate, their combined energy is released as photons, consistent with the mass-energy equivalence principle.

2. **Wave-Particle Duality**

  - Classical theory, as developed by Maxwell, describes light as an electromagnetic wave. This wave nature is experimentally confirmed by phenomena such as interference patterns.
  - However, the particle nature of light is evident in experiments like the photoelectric effect and the Compton effect, where light behaves as discrete quanta (photons).

### Resolving the Dual Nature of Light

1. **Causality and Consistency**

  - The vortex model resolves the apparent contradiction between the wave and particle nature of light by proposing that light can spontaneously transition from a wave to a particle (vortex) depending on the local field conditions.

  - This model maintains the principle of causality by suggesting that light is either a wave or a particle, but never both simultaneously.

2. **Spontaneous Transition**

  - The transition from wave to particle (and vice versa) conserves essential properties such as propagation speed (speed of light), oscillation frequency, and polarizability.
  - This rolling up of the wave into a vortex may occur in experimental setups, like bubble chambers, and in biological systems, like the human eye, which detect photons.

### Implications for Detection and Observation

1. **Photon Detection**

  - Human vision and photon detection devices are designed to perceive photons (vortices) rather than continuous electromagnetic fields or waves.
  - This aligns with the observation that our sensory organs and instruments are tuned to detect discrete quanta of light rather than the underlying fields.

2. **Experimental Evidence**

  - Experiments that demonstrate the wave nature of light, such as double-slit experiments, show interference patterns.
  - Experiments that demonstrate the particle nature, like the photoelectric effect, show discrete interactions with matter.

### Conclusion

The vortex model of photons provides a coherent explanation for pair creation and the dual nature of light. By viewing photons as oscillating vortices that can transition between wave and particle states, this model aligns with observed phenomena and maintains the principle of causality. This approach not only explains the stability and properties of photons but also integrates seamlessly with both classical and quantum descriptions of electromagnetic radiation.

This perspective helps bridge the gap between theoretical models and experimental observations, offering a unified framework for understanding the fundamental nature of light and its interactions with matter.

This is a great explanation. I came to the same conclusion independently. I learned some new things from you. We need more people like you

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