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Hello and welcome to our forum! I have received numerous requests from viewers on YouTube who are interested in sharing ideas, exchanging files, and discussing various topics. However, due to the current state of social media, many of my hobbies and interests have been falsely flagged as misleading or inappropriate, which has resulted in me losing my privileges on these platforms. Being silenced and censored is not a pleasant experience, and that is why I have created a private social media platform called exclusively for us. Here, we can freely explore various topics without fear of censorship or deletion. We are free to express ourselves and share our knowledge without any restrictions or bots telling us what we can or cannot discuss. We are in control of our own content, and we will no longer be subject to the biases and restrictions of social media giants like Mark Zuckerberg. Thank you for joining us, and I look forward to seeing the incredible discussions and ideas that will come from our community.

Hello Smile
thanks for letting me be here

(09-03-2023, 10:09 AM)Gandalf Wrote: Hello Smile
thanks for letting me be here

Don't mind if it gets quiet around here, It's a private server for my followers to share ideas outside of youtube. So much trolling on open social media. I'm also still looking for that darn schematic diagram of one of my first projects everyone wants. I don't remember it from memory and I had it on some drive.

Take care.

Sounds quite right, i hope i finally found the right place

I find quite annoying almost continuous surveillance of Bing and other search engine, especially after new posts and they are shown as guests/members

(09-29-2023, 12:13 PM)Mozart Wrote: I find quite annoying almost continuous surveillance of Bing and other search engine, especially after new posts and they are shown as guests/members

Yeah I noticed. Bots are monitoring this domain deeply, At least they can't censor us. Minus indexing of course.

Hello, I totally understand Suppression of technology because I have such energy technology that has been.
not only Suppressed, by the people that you would except to but even the people that say they want a working device.
I started working on Perpetual motion machines in 1969 an have worked off and on mostly on for over 54 years
The results are I have designed and built many working systems that produce more output watts energy than input needed to produce the effects. And many designs than can be proven to work just by looking at the designs
The concepts are so simple, but so overlooked be so many.
I have also showed these devices to many people, But because the concepts are somewhat different than most have work with in their life it is not easy to relay how this technology produces the working devices that are being shown
So here is where we start again I guess. The big question. Are you people interested or like most interested in finding non-working things. In order to have a reason to keep looking for a working system.
It is somewhat confusing for me. I offer working technology and none want what I offer.
Are the people of this forum interested in learning how to produce a working So called Overunity device?

If so I have many drawings that can be presented here on this forum.

Hi Joel, I watched a couple of your videos, I am here because, I could see you, May be what I am looking for.

Thanks Mr.Tom ps. I am real,

As far as I can remember, over here. I have never seen anyone putting down any information that any user feels is valuable.

I'm sure if you have something to share, This alternative group of folks including myself will be happy to interact.

Take care.

Hi Joel, Thank you, each in our own realm of Over here, I would be happy to interact with your group or yourself - but mostly you Joel that I would like to converse with. If you have time?
Now comes the interesting part. well: at least it is interesting for me. it could be interesting for others if they knew something about what they wanted, but were afraid to look at if offered. that comes from my over here point of view.
but that is another story.
I am working in magnetic or gravity output devices of non electric or electric forms of output being larger many times that of the input. and devices that can produce large outputs of horsepower. in a somewhat small package as designed.
( in Watts ) or torque motion relationships to watts output motor or core technologies that are parts of a larger device systems.
Everything I will present has been tested and can be proven to work
I do not present theories of how things should work - only working technology.
If this is alright to present on this forum?
I will start a string ( A Working device that produces more output than input )
this is a magnetic conversion system that is part many different system designs that can be produced.
This is the stuff I think, that the suppression people don't want people to see, but no one has ever told me to stop or even talked with me at all, on the subject. meaning the people that suppress this information don't talk to me at all.
I will leave it at that, They know who I am, maybe that's why?
I take it you have not heard of me. I am one of the most unknown inventors of this type of technology but have developed more working systems than all that are known have done working systems. If that is even possible?
Thanks Mr.Tom
Of course I always say: Fun Stuff -

Feel free to share whatever is on your mind, Just create a forum topic in the most appropriate category.

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