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I'm not stealing Power From The Electric

I been accused of such lately around the web with my various reactance current limiter devices.

So I spend a few moments reflecting on that....


As some of you may know, I've been releasing several reactants circuits in recent months. These circuits are designed to limit your current usage from the mains power line, allowing for more efficient use of battery chargers, LED lamp drivers, and other low-current devices. I've stressed time and time again that these circuits do not provide "free energy" or allow you to bypass the electric company's meter.

Despite this, I've been bombarded with accusations of promoting illegal activities and even stealing electricity. Some of my work has been censored or deleted, and I've been flat-out accused of dishonesty and deceit.

To be clear, there is absolutely nothing illegal or unethical about using reactants to limit current usage. It's a very basic power supply technology that adheres to the principles of Ohm's law. If you calculate your reactance correctly and use the right components, you'll be using less than 40 milliwatts, which you still have to pay for. You're not stealing power or bypassing the meter.

It's incredibly frustrating to be accused of wrongdoing when all I'm doing is trying to improve energy efficiency and promote the use of renewable energy sources. I've put a lot of time and effort into developing these circuits, and I know they work because I've tested them myself.

I'm disappointed in the response I've received from certain segments of the over unity and free energy communities. You'd think that people who are tinkering with high voltage and building Tesla coils would have a basic understanding of reactance and Ohm's law. Yet, here we are.

I'd like to extend an invitation to anyone who has concerns or questions about my work to reach out to me directly. I'm happy to explain the principles behind my circuits and how they work. I believe that open communication and collaboration are essential to advancing our understanding of energy efficiency and renewable energy.

In closing, I want to thank you all for taking the time to listen to me. I hope that we can all move forward with a better understanding of each other's work and a shared commitment to making the world a more sustainable place.

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