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Fixed Improved Bedini Concept

Here is the chart in my video "Improved Bedini Switch"


I'd like to provide an update on the progress with my PCB. While I was working on switching the spike, another approach came to mind.
Many people aim to achieve a self-looping system or to recover some of the power efficiently. Typically, this involves methods like using isolation, transformers, or inverters to feed the loop in an isolated manner. However, these methods often come with significant drawbacks, such as low efficiency and substantial losses, which diminish most of the potential gains. As a result, Bedini found it more practical to use the spike energy to charge batteries that are isolated from the input.
In this session, I'd like to discuss a method to achieve this more simply, through some modifications. It’s surprising that no one seems to mention running Bedini switches in this manner. It appears to be a much more efficient approach.

The circuit you've shared looks like a self-recovering Bedini-style circuit designed by Joel Lagace. Based on the image, it features the following key elements:

Isolated Powered PWM:

This is providing a 4 kHz square wave with a 1-5% duty cycle, which is ideal for controlling the switching of the MOSFETs. It’s isolated, ensuring that the switching control doesn't interfere with the pulse power circuit.
MOSFET Switches:

The circuit uses two MOSFET switches to control the flow of current through the coil. The positioning of the switches suggests that the PWM controls them, pulsing the current through the coil.
Inductor (Coil):

The coil is the primary energy storage element in this circuit. When current flows through it, energy is stored in the magnetic field. When the MOSFET switches turn off, the stored energy is released as a voltage spike.

The diodes are placed across the coil to handle the inductive kickback, directing the high voltage generated by the collapsing magnetic field back into the circuit. This helps in recovering the energy and feeding it back into the system.
Overall Assessment:
Concept: The circuit seems designed to pulse the coil while recovering energy from the inductive kickback. The isolated PWM driving the MOSFET switches ensures that the switching is well-controlled, and the diodes ensure the energy is captured and returned.

Efficiency: This design appears to focus on improving the efficiency by feeding the recovered energy back into the system, avoiding some of the losses that typically occur in similar setups.

Gate Drive Voltage: Ensure that the 15V gate driver is well-matched with the MOSFETs you're using to avoid issues like partial switching, which can cause inefficiency or heating in the MOSFETs.

Component Ratings: Make sure that the diodes and MOSFETs are rated appropriately for the current and voltage spikes generated by the coil to prevent component failure.

Overall, this looks like a solid and well-thought-out design for a self-recovering Bedini-style circuit!

Hi Joel So many interesting ideas in your videos I have only recently found. I have posted a short video on YT about your circuit trying to place the bridge-rectifiers in position in the circuit. I am experimenting with simple pulse motors and am a novice in electronics but I can see a symetry and beauty in what you describe in your videos.And that is what drove me to draw your circuit. Of couurse i might have got it all round the wrong way ! Hope not, but good luck with your YT posts and above all your research . Live stream must be abit nerve-wracking btw !! But you often come across with so many interesting ideas as you go with the flow in your videos. Ps I have just built my solar-powered guitar pedal effect-circuit inspired in part by yourself and others Thanks !

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