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Tuned L/C Feedback Method

Here I show you the Tuned L/C Feedback Method.

Tuned L/C Feedback Method

In the pursuit of creating more efficient energy systems, we often overlook the importance of feedback mechanisms. Feedback is essentially a process where a portion of the output of a system is returned to its input, creating a loop that can enhance or stabilize the performance of the system. In energy systems, feedback can be used to recycle lost energy and improve the overall efficiency of the system. In this forum post, we will explore some feedback methods using a pure AC trigger and L/C oscillation feedback.

First, let's take a look at the pure AC trigger feedback method. This method involves using an AC signal to trigger a switch that controls the flow of current in a circuit. The switch is connected to an inductor and a capacitor, which form an LC circuit that can oscillate at a resonant frequency.

When the switch is closed, current flows through the inductor and charges the capacitor. As the capacitor charges, the voltage across it increases until it reaches a threshold level, at which point the switch opens and the capacitor discharges through the inductor. This causes the inductor to generate a magnetic field, which induces a voltage in the capacitor and completes the feedback loop.

The oscillation frequency of the LC circuit is determined by the values of the inductor and capacitor, and can be adjusted to match the frequency of the AC trigger signal. This ensures that the switch is triggered at the optimal time to maximize the energy transfer between the AC signal and the LC circuit.

Next, let's look at the L/C oscillation feedback method. This method involves using an LC circuit to generate an oscillating current that can be fed back into the input of the system. The LC circuit consists of an inductor and a capacitor, which are connected in series and form a resonant circuit that can store and release energy.

When a current is applied to the LC circuit, the capacitor charges and the inductor stores energy in its magnetic field. As the capacitor discharges, the inductor releases its stored energy and generates a magnetic field that induces a voltage in the capacitor. This causes the cycle to repeat, creating an oscillating current in the LC circuit.

By connecting the output of the LC circuit back into the input of the system, we can create a feedback loop that can recycle lost energy and improve the efficiency of the system. This is because the oscillating current generated by the LC circuit can amplify the input signal and help to overcome losses due to resistance and other factors.

In conclusion, these two feedback methods using a pure AC trigger and L/C oscillation feedback are just a few examples of how feedback can be used to improve the efficiency of energy systems. By creating a loop that recycles lost energy, we can tap into energy sources that would normally be wasted and make our energy systems more sustainable and efficient. However, it's important to note that these methods are not 100% efficient and there will still be losses due to various factors such as resistance in the circuit and the limitations of the components used.

It would be best to use the mains positive cycle AC as the input trigger and diode both coils with their own "isolated" trigger. This way each L/C will behave electrically independent. It is important to note that there is reason for the imbalance in the system, as it allows for the resonance effect to increase the amplitudes of each L/C circuit. As a result, you will most likely need to calculate two separate values for the capacitor.

While at first glance it may seem like you are just shorting the + of one circuit with another + doing nothing, both L/C circuits are actually working independently and raising amplitudes. The imbalance creates a difference potential between the two separate L/C circuits, which can be 100 volts or more depending on the coil setup. This effect takes advantage of the closest equivalent we have of running a coil as a "superconductor" within the system.

The neon in this example keeps the path closed between the plus input trigger side of both L/C circuits until a voltage buildup difference between the two positives reaches the neon voltage trigger of around 80 volts. At this point, the neon briefly creates a path in the 3rd coil (flash spike) and dissipates the extra energy as a load into this coil, preventing the oscillations from building up to high voltage and current breakpoints.

This process is often referred to as "Splitting The Positive" within the free energy community, as it involves switching the potential difference of two raising voltages rather than switching a typical system traditionally. The "energy" in this system comes from the voltage difference between the two coils that is switched into a load (the 3rd coil). By using this method, we are able to extract much more energy from the system that would normally be lost and convert it back to watts.

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