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The Super MEG

Introducing the Super MEG: A New Frontier in Energy Conversion.


Good day, folks! Today, I’m excited to share with you a groundbreaking concept that I’ve named the Super MEG. This innovative system explores the possibility of running a transformer in reverse, drawing inspiration from Bedini’s insights into the novel interactions that occur when operating electronics in unconventional ways. The Super MEG leverages this reverse approach to create a highly efficient energy conversion system, and I’m here to explain how it all works.

The Core Concept: Reversing Roles in Energy Transfer
In traditional electromagnetic systems, coils are typically the active components that generate magnetic fields, while the core material serves primarily to channel and concentrate these fields. The Super MEG concept flips this paradigm on its head by making the core the active element in energy transfer, with the coils playing a supporting role.

Iron Wire Core with Non-Magnetic Coil: At the heart of this system is an iron wire core wrapped with non-magnetic wire (such as copper or aluminum). In this setup, the iron core becomes the primary path for magnetic flux, and the non-magnetic wire interacts with this flux to facilitate energy transfer.

Flux-Driven Energy Transfer: Instead of relying on coils to induce magnetic fields in the core, the Super MEG utilizes the core’s inherent magnetic properties to drive energy transfer. The core is shaped into loops, creating a continuous path for magnetic flux, and aluminum rods act as energy taps.

Magnetic Flux and Electromotive Force (EMF) Interaction
One of the key advantages of this system is its ability to reduce opposing EMF, which is typically generated in coils.

Reduced Back EMF: By wrapping a non-magnetic coil around the iron core, the system minimizes the opposing EMF that usually hinders energy efficiency. This setup allows for more effective energy transfer as the core itself becomes the main medium for magnetic flux.

Flux Energizing the Core: The series loop configuration ensures that the magnetic flux circulates efficiently through the core, leading to a uniform distribution of energy. When the core loops are closed (shorted), the magnetic flux is maximized, enhancing the core’s ability to energize and distribute power effectively.

Advantages of the Super MEG System
The Super MEG concept offers several potential benefits that set it apart from conventional systems:

Flux-Driven Efficiency: Using the core as the main conduit for magnetic flux could result in more direct and efficient energy transfer, reducing losses typically associated with traditional inductive components.

Reduced Eddy Currents and Losses: The design effectively manages flux paths and minimizes back EMF, which helps lower eddy currents and associated losses, leading to higher overall system efficiency.

Innovative Energy Tapping: Energy can be directly extracted from the core loops using aluminum rods, offering a novel and potentially more efficient method of harnessing power.

Leveraging Pulsed DC for Magnetic Saturation
A critical aspect of the Super MEG system is the use of pulsed DC to achieve magnetic saturation within the core.

How Pulsed DC Works: Pulsed DC involves switching a DC current on and off at regular intervals, maintaining the same polarity but varying the amplitude over time. This approach allows the core to reach magnetic saturation quickly and efficiently, with minimal energy input.

Efficiency and Control: Pulsed DC enables precise control over energy usage, allowing the system to operate efficiently without wasting power. By adjusting the pulse width, frequency, and amplitude, the system can maintain optimal magnetic saturation and energy transfer.

System Configuration and Energy Tapping
The Super MEG system is designed to efficiently convert reactive power (VAR) into usable real power, while minimizing energy losses.

Aluminum Rods as Energy Taps: Aluminum rods are strategically placed within or around the magnetic field of the iron core. Due to their non-magnetic nature, these rods induce current without significantly interacting with or disrupting the core’s magnetic field.

Minimal Magnetic Back Action: Unlike iron rods, which can reach magnetic saturation and affect the core’s performance, aluminum rods maintain the integrity of the magnetic flux, leading to more stable field dynamics and consistent current induction.

Resonance and Reactive Power Management
To maximize energy conversion efficiency, each tap point in the Super MEG system is equipped with an LC circuit (inductor-capacitor) in parallel.

Resonance Enhancement: The parallel LC circuits at each tap point amplify the induced currents, converting reactive power into real power more efficiently. By tuning the system to its natural resonant frequency, energy transfer is maximized with minimal losses.

Rectification and Power Conversion: The induced AC current in the aluminum rods is rectified using diodes, converting it into DC power that can be stored or used directly. This process ensures that the system efficiently harnesses the energy generated by the magnetic flux.

System Advantages and Scalability
The Super MEG system is modular and scalable, allowing for easy expansion and increased energy harvesting capabilities.

Series Expansion: Additional core loops and taps can be added to the system, each with its own LC circuit and rectifier, to harvest more energy as needed. This modularity makes the Super MEG adaptable to a wide range of applications.

Efficient Power Conversion: The system’s ability to convert reactive power into real power with minimal losses makes it highly efficient, particularly in applications where energy efficiency is critical.

Minimal Energy Losses: By using non-magnetic aluminum for the rods, the system reduces eddy current and hysteresis losses, further improving overall efficiency.

The Super MEG represents a smart and innovative approach to energy conversion, utilizing a series of core loops with aluminum rods to tap into magnetic flux and convert reactive power into real power. By minimizing opposing EMF generation and optimizing resonance and rectification components, this system promises to be a highly efficient method for harnessing and converting energy. Further prototyping and testing will be crucial to fully realize and optimize this groundbreaking concept.

Harnessing the Memory Effect of the Iron Core
One of the unique features of the Super MEG system is its ability to utilize the memory effect of the iron core during magnetization. When an iron core is magnetized, it doesn’t just instantly lose its magnetic properties when the external magnetizing force is removed. Instead, it retains some of its magnetization for a short period—a phenomenon known as magnetic hysteresis or magnetic "memory."

Magnetic Memory and Pulsed DC Efficiency
Magnetic Retention: The iron core’s ability to retain its magnetization means that once it reaches saturation, it requires only minimal additional energy to maintain this state. This retention allows the system to operate efficiently by using pulsed DC to drive the core.

Low-Energy Triggering: By applying a pulsed DC current to the core, the system only needs to provide short bursts of energy to bring the core to full saturation. Once saturated, the core remains magnetized even during the "off" phases of the pulse. This dramatically reduces the overall energy input required to sustain the magnetic field, as the core itself acts as a temporary reservoir of magnetic energy.

Maximized Magnetic Flux: During each pulse, the core quickly reaches full magnetic saturation, maximizing the magnetic flux within the core. This efficient use of energy makes the Super MEG system more effective in maintaining a strong magnetic field with minimal input.

Tapping into Reactive Power with Aluminum Rods
The process of tapping into the magnetic energy stored in the core is where the aluminum rods play a crucial role. The unique properties of aluminum as a non-magnetic conductor provide several advantages in extracting energy without disrupting the system’s efficiency.

Subtle Energy Extraction
Reduced Opposing Effects: When current is induced in the aluminum rods by the changing magnetic flux of the iron core, it does so without significantly interacting with the core’s magnetic field. This is because aluminum does not become magnetized and does not contribute to opposing EMF, which can often counteract the desired effects in traditional setups.

Subtle Tapping of Reactive Gains: The aluminum rods allow for a more subtle and controlled way to tap into the reactive power generated in the system. By avoiding the immediate nullification of reactive power—which can occur when external loads or diodes are introduced in more conventional circuits—the Super MEG system can harness and convert reactive power into usable real power more effectively.

Minimizing Power Dissipation: In traditional systems, when you tap into a circuit with an external load, there’s often an immediate reduction in the available reactive power due to the creation of opposing fields or additional resistive losses. The Super MEG, however, circumvents this by utilizing aluminum rods that induce current without disturbing the core’s magnetic field, allowing the reactive gains to be preserved and more fully converted into real power.

System Optimization: Resonance and Pulsed DC
The synergy between the memory effect of the iron core, the use of pulsed DC, and the aluminum rods for energy tapping results in a system that can efficiently convert and utilize energy.

Efficient Energy Conversion
Controlled Pulsing: The use of pulsed DC not only drives the core to full saturation with minimal energy but also allows for precise control over the timing and magnitude of energy input. This controlled approach ensures that the system operates at peak efficiency, with the iron core’s magnetic memory playing a pivotal role in maintaining a strong magnetic field.

Reactive Power Conversion: By tapping into the reactive power without immediately dissipating it through opposing EMF, the system converts more of this power into real, usable energy. The combination of resonance tuning, aluminum rods, and pulsed DC allows the Super MEG to harness energy that would otherwise be lost in conventional setups.

Hi Joel, thank you for your last video
I hope you will have follow up videos, I am very interested. I'm also playing with capacitors composed by plates combined with coils. So I would like to learn more from your work and your experiments. I am also thinking about your ion valve.
Thank you again.

Such a device has been built by Lorrie Matchett

The main difference between Joel’s device and Lorrie consist in Type of current pulsed DC and respective AC (@50Hz from main). This is very interesting as there is no loading of the source in AC from main or very low power needed for DC pulse in the other case.

Another interesting observation: any live wire with AC from main will oscillate always and 50 Hz can be seen even if there is no load connected, not sure if this holds true for pulsed DC.

This the very basic principle of magnetic amplifier where the core is brought to saturation with very little power.

But, I am not happy to see usage of mains provided by Electric Grid so, full credit for Joel !

Well Maybe since these kinds of oscillators need very little current to operate... Never mind the complex PEG cell for now. Maybe a series water cells or even some earth batteries rods, would be enough power to drive this kind of a device.

Actually I have made such a coil long time ago based on my intuition … not had any plan in mind, I just wounded the wires but I forgot to add iron wire in the core … I have tried many things with this coil to no succes, and last week I have started a new one ?? … mostly preparing … it is absolutely crazy and unbelievable to see how things goes along out of blue.

Also, still working on water cells and probably by the end of this month I will have first battery 3d printed. Using potable water I can get 4-4.5 V with 8 cells no amps, using deionised water, no corrosion, water stays clear all time and voltage reaches 7.5 V with no amps but i can lit up LEDs in parallel( many). And voltage drop from 7.5 to 2.5 … it can run continuous provided there is at least half water in each cell.

With no amps I can’t drive pwm to pulse it, so I need something else … I will explore further when the battery is built, planning to make it modular with water refill system or eventually sealed. Anyway I already have another setup that only needs a battery as I can’t use any electric from grid as it is dangerous sending back in the house grid +184KHz +120 V and fries everything in the way … lucky transistor been fried before damaging anything else in the house apart from few fluorescent lights in the garage that were on. So, I’m done with experiments using the main even with isolated power source and separate ground from the main.

Honestly, there is no joke when radiant energy is tapped.

Also, last week I had an accident playing with a dc booster (tubular £2 each) trying to get a spark on iron wire on top of a cigarillos pack … there was some corona discharge with no spark so, I assumed it won’t work. When I tried to remove the iron wire I though the whole sky has fallen on myself and I could feel my hands for few minutes as all that voltage been accumulated on cardboard sitting on my table. It had been a huge shock and I was confused for a minuted or so, not only hands. I am not doing videos for youtube, only when there is something really worth to be shown and I am not good doing videos either.

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