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Back EMF Charging Process and Setup Breakdown


This detailed explanation provides insights into the workings of a Back EMF generator, with a focus on optimizing the charging process for maximum efficiency. The creator addresses common questions and misconceptions, provides a rough schematic, and shares important tips for achieving "over-unity" — the concept of getting more energy output than input.

Key Components and Setup Overview
  1. Square Wave Generator Module: This is the heart of the system, generating a square wave to drive the coil. It operates at a very low power, requiring just 6 volts to function. The frequency and duty cycle can be adjusted, with this setup typically running at 33 Hz and a 1% duty cycle.
  2. Coil: The coil used in this setup is wound with regular telephone wire, totaling about 350 feet, with an impedance of 0.9 ohms (corrected from 1.9 ohms). This large, low-impedance coil is crucial for generating strong Back EMF spikes.
  3. Transistor Switching: The system uses an NPN transistor (NTE181) to switch the ground connection of the coil. The square wave generator triggers the transistor, which in turn controls the timing of the Back EMF spikes.
  4. Back EMF Collection: A diode is used to capture the Back EMF generated when the coil is pulsed. This energy is then directed into a battery, effectively charging it with minimal current input.
  5. Voltage Regulation: A voltage regulator is used to ensure the square wave generator receives a stable 6-volt input, despite the system running on a 12-volt power supply.
  6. Battery Charging: The captured Back EMF, typically around 34 volts, is fed into a 12-volt battery. The system is designed to work in a way that minimizes the current draw, making it highly efficient.

Key Concepts and Principles
  1. Duty Cycle Management: The duty cycle of the square wave is kept extremely low (1%) to minimize current usage. This sharp, brief pulse helps in generating a strong Back EMF spike without wasting energy on prolonged current draw.
  2. Back EMF vs. Traditional Transformer Action: Unlike traditional transformers, where increased voltage on the high side usually results in decreased current, this setup maintains a consistent current while increasing voltage through Back EMF. This is key to achieving over-unity, as the system can output more energy than it consumes.
  3. Voltage Spike Utilization: The system relies on the sharp voltage spikes generated by the Back EMF. These spikes are captured and used to charge the battery. The process is optimized by keeping the duty cycle low, ensuring that the energy is mostly in the form of voltage rather than current.
  4. Battery Isolation and Charging: The schematic outlines a method of isolating the charging circuit from the input power, using an inverter. This prevents any short-circuiting and allows the battery to be charged effectively by the Back EMF without interfering with the input power source.

Schematic Overview
The schematic, although rough and hand-drawn, illustrates the basic layout of the system:
  • Square Wave Generator: Outputs a pulse to control the base of the NPN transistor.
  • NPN Transistor (NTE181): Switches the coil's ground, creating the conditions for Back EMF generation.
  • Coil: Connected in a loop with the transistor, generating Back EMF when the transistor switches off.
  • Diode: Captures the Back EMF and directs it into the battery for charging.
  • Battery and Inverter Setup: The battery is charged by the Back EMF, and the inverter helps isolate the power supply from the charging circuit.

Results and Observations
  • Over-Unity Potential: By keeping the system voltage-driven and minimizing current, the setup achieves a form of over-unity where the battery is charged with more energy than the system consumes. This is evidenced by the steady increase in battery voltage during operation.
  • Practical Implications: The system can effectively charge a battery using minimal input power, making it highly efficient. This setup could be particularly useful in situations where power conservation is critical.
  • Further Optimizations: The creator suggests that adding more coils or increasing the voltage could further enhance the system's efficiency and output, potentially making it even more effective in practical applications.

This explanation and accompanying schematic provide a comprehensive look at a Back EMF charging system designed for over-unity operation. By focusing on minimizing current draw and maximizing voltage spikes, the system is able to charge a battery efficiently while consuming very little power. This approach offers valuable insights into energy conservation and could inspire further developments in alternative energy systems.
For those interested in experimenting with Back EMF and over-unity concepts, this setup offers a solid foundation and practical demonstration of the principles involved.

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