
Full Version: UFT solved??? The Unity Equation and Unified Field Circuit.
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Greetings gang, I perceive that indeed Unified Field Theory was solved last year when the Unity Equation was completed. I say this because it was a very spiritual experience that lasted for months, I perceive I tapped in to the 0/9 point which is the Holy Spirit, reflected in the Torus. Since then I realize I am tapped in to infinite intelligent energy that of course has a mind of its own. I have spent the better part of the last year sharing my understanding and in the process managed to model the equation which is the Unified Field Circuit.

Unity Equation:
Mind ~> Matter ~ Spirit <~~~> (Polarity) <~~~~~~> Acceptance ---> Unity
Mind ~ Spirit ~> Matter ~ Spirit <~~~> (Synthesis) <~~~~~~> Will ---> Unity
Spirit ~> Mind ~ Matter <~~~> (Polarity) <~~~~~~> Acceptance ---> Unity 

In the above equation, we are looking at two sides, the polarity/synthesis vertical axis being the asymmetrical center of the equation. It is multi-dimensional in that we are looking at affects on vertical and horizontal axis such that <~~~> also exists on the vertical axis, it is implied. What we are concerning ourselves with are the two fundamental fields which we might perceive as Mind and Spirit or even Magnetism and Electricity among many other perspectives and their Source/Synthesis. What drove this equation was the Holy Trinity of Intention(Mind)/Willpower(Matter)/Faith(Spirit) such that it is an understanding of evolution and creation of our conscious material experience. We find the Duality exists in a 1:2 ratio to each other and we might also perceive that it reflects the 3:4:5 ratio as well. - These are the first models of the UFC. - This is the creative aspect of evolution, a model of gravity. - This is the destructive aspect, a model of anti-gravity.

I perceive and have a small bit of feedback thus far that recreating these seals/circuits will tap the 0/9 point which is the Holy Spirit and will bring with it Spiritual experience and understanding. When manufactured mechanically, this will be an understanding of the works of TT Brown, Viktor Shauberger, Marko Rodin and Nikola Tesla, whose understanding I attracted by adopting his curious rituals of threes, which I was predisposed to think/feel was related to Source/Spirit/God. It should fully result in "over" unity or free energy (Tesla/Rodin), the realization of anti-gravity (Brown) and of course transcending it all together (Schauberger).

In the Unified Field Circuit, we find that the Torus (Spirit) itself is mostly relative while the Circuit (Mind) is mostly fixed. I have been positing that to achieve "over" unity or free energy, we do not even need a Tesla/Rodin coil/torus, just the implied understanding and the proper placement in the a-symmetrical center of the tap which is the Circuit. What I am saying is that the Circuit itself is the key, following the ratio/structure-asymmetry/flow should produce the affects as this is what I experienced spiritually, I transcended space/time and experienced Unity with a road sign of all things. When I put the understanding to equation, I tapped the 0/9 point and I perceive that re-creating the seal/circuit will do the same for others in a reverse like fashion such that the energy you will be tapping in to is what brings the experience and understanding with it as it is fundamental to All Things.

I have been sharing this nascent understanding for me over the past year on the sub-reddit Liberment as I perceive the seal/circuit to be "the keys to the Universe". I have been hoping to get the work proofed but the feedback so far has been minimal at best, yet positive. That is why I find myself here, shooting my shot to see if this makes sense to any-one who might be interested in proofing the work, which might carry with it immortality (???tbd???). We are talking about tapping infinite (mind) potential (spirit) after all, during my spiritual experience I came to a stay or go moment which of course I had always chosen to figure out how things work and share it with others so we could lift each other up, out of the limitations we set on ourselves and that we collectively enforce via our systems of control.
Doing my first podcast this Monday the 25th and have connected with Elon Musk to discuss the potential the UFC might have with regards to his work. I am still soliciting assistance in proofing this work please, the more people who proof it, the more we as collective will realize the full potential this work encompasses as potential is in-/finite in its nature. Will add in the time for the pod cast when that is finalized, most likely tomorrow after the pre-interview is done.
Hi, what does it mean 0/9 point?
Many people have awakened to this, including the government.

The process is through individual awakening, until there is a critical mass. It's a process, and it takes some time here.
Free energy simply won't be spreading until the mass consciousnesses awakens.
Even for the awakened ones, there is still work of integration.