
Full Version: Back EMF Generator with Integrated Dry Cells and Feedback Loop
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This detailed explanation introduces a novel self-oscillating system that harnesses the power of Back EMF generated by two coils, aiming to produce sharp energy spikes that can power devices or charge batteries. The invention is characterized by its low-cost design and minimal component requirements, integrating dry cells within the coils themselves to enhance power generation.
Key Components and Setup Overview

Coils with Integrated Dry Cells:
  • Configuration: The system uses two coils wound around magnetic cores, with a thin paper layer between the core and the coil acting as a dry cell. This setup creates an internal voltage potential, enhancing the system's power output.
  • Dry Cell Effect: The coils themselves act as dry cells due to the metal core and paper insulator configuration. The metal cores function as the anode and cathode, while the paper insulator, which absorbs moisture from the air, acts as the electrolyte, creating a voltage potential.

Self-Oscillating Feedback Loop:
  • SCR and Zener Diode: A silicon-controlled rectifier (SCR) and a low-voltage Zener diode are used to manage the feedback loop. The SCR dumps the charge from a flash capacitor into one of the coils, causing a Back EMF spike that triggers the system to oscillate.
  • Flash Capacitor: This capacitor stores the energy generated by the Back EMF and discharges it back into the system, maintaining the feedback loop. The voltage from the coils and dry cells is combined to produce a larger voltage for the capacitor discharge.

Power Source:
  • Three Dry Cells: The system is powered by three dry cells, two of which are integrated within the coils. These cells provide the initial voltage needed to start the oscillation and maintain the feedback loop.

Key Concepts and Principles

Back EMF Generation and Feedback Loop:
  • Self-Sustaining Oscillation: The system is designed to operate as a self-triggering feedback loop. The Back EMF generated when the current through the coils is interrupted causes a sharp voltage spike, which is harnessed by the capacitor. This capacitor, in turn, triggers the SCR to dump the energy back into the coils, creating a continuous oscillation.
  • Mutual Induction: The coils are placed close together, allowing the magnetic field generated by one coil to induce an alternating current in the other. This mutual induction is key to generating the Back EMF needed to sustain the feedback loop.

Dry Cell Phenomenon:
  • Moisture-Activated Voltage Potential: The thin paper insulator between the coil and core absorbs moisture from the air, creating a conductive path that generates a voltage potential. This effect enhances the system’s power output by adding to the voltage generated by the coils.

System Efficiency and Stability:
  • Compensator Voltage System: To ensure stable oscillation, a compensator voltage system adjusts the triggering voltage of the SCR based on the output voltage of the coils. This maintains a consistent feedback loop and allows the system to operate continuously without external intervention.
  • Internal Capacitance: The dry cell properties of the coils create internal capacitance, which helps the system during off times, contributing to the stability and efficiency of the feedback loop.

Results and Observations

Enhanced Power Output:
  • Increased Voltage: By integrating the dry cell effect into the coils, the system generates a higher voltage potential, which enhances the energy available for capacitor discharge. This results in a more powerful Back EMF spike and improved system efficiency.

Potential Applications:
  • Renewable Energy: The system’s ability to generate power using minimal input and sustain itself through a feedback loop makes it a promising candidate for renewable energy applications.
  • Wireless Power Transmission: The principles of mutual induction and Back EMF could be applied to develop wireless power transmission systems, where energy is transferred without direct electrical connections.

Practical Implications:
  • Energy Storage: The system’s ability to charge batteries using the Back EMF spikes ensures that the energy generated is not wasted and can be stored for later use. This makes the system practical for various applications where energy conservation is critical.


This explanation provides a comprehensive overview of an innovative Back EMF generator that incorporates dry cells within the coils to enhance power generation. By leveraging the principles of mutual induction, self-oscillating feedback loops, and the dry cell effect, the system demonstrates a novel approach to energy generation and storage.
The integration of these components into a simple, low-cost setup offers a promising avenue for further development in renewable energy and other applications. For those interested in exploring alternative energy systems, this invention provides a unique and potentially valuable concept that combines physics and chemistry to achieve efficient power generation.