
Full Version: François Guillet aka F6FLT
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My advice to François Guillet aka F6FLT, Usually lurking around trolling the various forums naysaying everything. Is perhaps you should try a counterpoise in order to help with resonating your brainwaves. As it's clear to see. The system currently lacks resonance.
Hello Joël, completely agree with you.

Some time ago OUR was a nice search site, unfortunately trolls, like the one you encountered on OUR, are permanently installed on this site and have lost control of it. Besides, it is impossible for him, the troll, to demonstrate anything; he has never demonstrated anything credible, that says it all. What he has not yet understood is that the research we do is not yet in the books, we must have an open mind in research mode.
The discussions are dull and new researchers are absent.

Luckily there are new research sites like here and others where respect and free thought are allowed without destroying those who present themselves there.
Thank you for creating this very interesting site. I encourage you to continue.

(07-24-2024, 12:15 PM)jagau Wrote: [ -> ]Hello Joël, completely agree with you.

Some time ago OUR was a nice search site, unfortunately trolls, like the one you encountered on OUR, are permanently installed on this site and have lost control of it. Besides, it is impossible for him, the troll, to demonstrate anything; he has never demonstrated anything credible, that says it all. What he has not yet understood is that the research we do is not yet in the books, we must have an open mind in research mode.
The discussions are dull and new researchers are absent.

Luckily there are new research sites like here and others where respect and free thought are allowed without destroying those who present themselves there.
Thank you for creating this very interesting site. I encourage you to continue.


And for some reason he won't even look at the resource links like the research over at