
Full Version: Motionless electromagnetic turbine
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Here is a patent that's similar and simpler than the MEG

Just thinking over how would one power this transformer, would a 3 phase motor driver work? 

Gonna try this 3 phase transformer and 3 phase BLDC driver, this is probably the trick to get the dynamo flowing in a transformer
(05-27-2024, 09:40 PM)ephemeralt8 Wrote: [ -> ]Here is a patent that's similar and simpler than the MEG

Just thinking over how would one power this transformer, would a 3 phase motor driver work? 

Gonna try this 3 phase transformer and 3 phase BLDC driver, this is probably the trick to get the dynamo flowing in a transformer

Just skimming through the patent and looking at the diagrams it seems like either of those would work. This is yet another bi-toroid design however i don't think i have ever seen it done with 3 separate inputs let alone 3 separate inputs being toggled in sequence. To me this looks much simpler than the Thane-Heins bi-toroid and this style of core is much more accessible for the general consumer.
(06-01-2024, 11:44 AM)Marconi Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-27-2024, 09:40 PM)ephemeralt8 Wrote: [ -> ]Here is a patent that's similar and simpler than the MEG

Just thinking over how would one power this transformer, would a 3 phase motor driver work? 

Gonna try this 3 phase transformer and 3 phase BLDC driver, this is probably the trick to get the dynamo flowing in a transformer

Just skimming through the patent and looking at the diagrams it seems like either of those would work. This is yet another bi-toroid design however i don't think i have ever seen it done with 3 separate inputs let alone 3 separate inputs being toggled in sequence. To me this looks much simpler than the Thane-Heins bi-toroid and this style of core is much more accessible for the general consumer.

Yes, still waiting on the parts to arrive, will post results
There is a chance this could work with a bifilar coil setup

The 3 phase transformer is replaced with 3 bifilar coils

Then 2 bifilar coils goes over the 3 bifilar coils as pickup coil

If this works, it would be more affordable than the transformer