(07-17-2024, 07:06 PM)Mozart Wrote: [ -> ]Incandescent light bulbs are perfect resistors for exact wattage without needed cooling system, all overunity devices known have used them for exact this reason and they cost almost nothing compared with high power resistor. Also they can be used in series or parallel, for voltage protection they will act as a fuse as well, easy and cheap to replace.
Yeah many who are new to the field and see the demonstrations of these units operating, They see all the lamps lighting up and sometimes even an impressive amount of them all lighting up brightly esp when used at high frequencies. So they assume the lamps are to demonstrate the power output and the unit powers the lamps when really the lamps are part of a fine tuned L/C/R reasoant network, And it's the reactive power gains from this resonant tank that then charges an external battery, load, motor etc....
Also with clever placement of the lamp network, they can be used to regulate or take the load during the opposite cycle without harming the batteries or needing diodes and such things closing and messing up the resonant loop. This is not a conventional setup and you need to make sure that the batteries are only activated within the loop when the device is operational Because without a potential difference spike to work against (charge) the battery you get a short at DC..... You use the potential difference to control where the flow goes. The high potential spike charges the battery and the negative spike gets mostly absorbed by the lamp load.
The lamp glowing is a secondary effect. In a perfect resonant tank circuit in theory you get superconductivity at that frequency with the right L/C/R values down the in circuit parasitic values., So one could say those lamps light up for free or almost for free without draining the charging output if part of a simple L/C/R tank circuit at a sharp fine resonant frequency. What i'm getting at is with careful circuit design you can calculate the internal R losses and incorporate it as part of a tuned L/C/R circuit so that the R loss nully itself at resonant. VERY IMPORTANT
![Big Grin Big Grin](http://typeright.social/forum/images/smilies/biggrin.png)
This is exactly what I have tried to do in my video using an ironing iron and make adjustments with temperature setting, but i was wrong, i should stick with bulbs. Now i know I was wrong and also now I know why … I guess you already figured it out as well.
But it is my reckless behaviour to go for cheaper and easier method with whatever I have handy. You have gone on a soft stance but I am not, I want to overthrow the barrel and roll it down the hill/mountain if you know what I mean.
In circuit that I have shown with pancake coils, frequency rise with resistance of load while power consumption decrease comparing ratio for light load with ratio for heavy load. This is important to know for the next stage when I add a transmission line connecting identical secondary with one wire and ground.
You should try this simple and cheap setup with your PEG cell if you find any merit. Also, if you don’t use ground there is nothing hanging around to make anyone rise their eyebrows
![Angel Angel](http://typeright.social/forum/images/smilies/angel.png)
But after one line (with Oudin coils
![Idea Idea](http://typeright.social/forum/images/smilies/lightbulb.png)
) and ground everything goes out heavy. Just don’t use any main as this crap ignores any kind of isolation and send everything back into main frying everything it find there (talking from experience unfortunately). It is able to pass trough variac or clamped dedicated power source. So, only batteries or gradient can be the input.
I have a feeling it can be done even without copper, cca speaker wire £10 for 100meters of 2.5 sqmm sectional area … i will wind another set of coils with this to check.
Also, Don Smith used silver plated wires for high voltage .. with that spacing between turns and skin effect = superconductivity. On skin effect we can use even fishing lines or cotton strings, as long as they are silver plated
If you can setup AI for all 20 patents Arie Melis deGeus patents and see what you get.
Let me know what you think, please.
(07-18-2024, 07:15 PM)Mozart Wrote: [ -> ]This is exactly what I have tried to do in my video using an ironing iron and make adjustments with temperature setting, but i was wrong, i should stick with bulbs. Now i know I was wrong and also now I know why … I guess you already figured it out as well.
But it is my reckless behaviour to go for cheaper and easier method with whatever I have handy. You have gone on a soft stance but I am not, I want to overthrow the barrel and roll it down the hill/mountain if you know what I mean.
In circuit that I have shown with pancake coils, frequency rise with resistance of load while power consumption decrease comparing ratio for light load with ratio for heavy load. This is important to know for the next stage when I add a transmission line connecting identical secondary with one wire and ground.
You should try this simple and cheap setup with your PEG cell if you find any merit. Also, if you don’t use ground there is nothing hanging around to make anyone rise their eyebrows ![Angel Angel](http://typeright.social/forum/images/smilies/angel.png)
But after one line (with Oudin coils
) and ground everything goes out heavy. Just don’t use any main as this crap ignores any kind of isolation and send everything back into main frying everything it find there (talking from experience unfortunately). It is able to pass trough variac or clamped dedicated power source. So, only batteries or gradient can be the input.
I have a feeling it can be done even without copper, cca speaker wire £10 for 100meters of 2.5 sqmm sectional area … i will wind another set of coils with this to check.
Also, Don Smith used silver plated wires for high voltage .. with that spacing between turns and skin effect = superconductivity. On skin effect we can use even fishing lines or cotton strings, as long as they are silver plated
If you can setup AI for all 20 patents Arie Melis deGeus patents and see what you get.
Let me know what you think, please.
Yeah CHAT GPT suggested I used multiple parallel windings to take the high current if you got nothing else but I guess it's whatever you can get at hand, I have been actively experimenting with the incorporation of the PEG cell with this concept. As you can see from my video updates, I seem to keep finding properties and such with these PEG cells. I think I may be near the end of what I can do and experiment with. Takes lots of series cells to bring up high volts. I was hoping for a 1kv zamboni pile but that may take a while to figure out some design. So that it could feed a spark gap on its own and use it for feedback and oscillations etc.... But for now a few can light up a LED run a small motor or joule thief.
But it seems to do the best job in replacing the capacitor in a L/C reactive stage, With a Variac I been able to further "Tune" the cell. So much to experiment with...
![Big Grin Big Grin](http://typeright.social/forum/images/smilies/biggrin.png)
You only need 12 v steady to catch the wind with what I’ve said, unless you want to make a power plant for the whole city made of PEGs
(07-18-2024, 07:57 PM)Mozart Wrote: [ -> ]You only need 12 v steady to catch the wind with what I’ve said, unless you want to make a power plant for the whole city made of PEGs
I know this is being sarcastic but it does have a point and its sad truth. People in the OU field want to see Kw and Mw level power. A few watts even a couple hundred with the best lets say Bedini is basically laughed at and dismissed.
I personally think there is still potential in the smaller stuff for home and remote use if you know what I mean.
I am not sarcastic at all, anyone can check themselves what I said, everything is open, full specification and links for each component for less than £40 total budget if everything is bought from shops.
When mainstream science and all “experts” in field keep saying it is complicated and expensive to justify billions spent for nothing … people can’t believe this works, but ignoring a simple ram pump works without external energy input if is built correct, they don’t think the same can apply for electricity, or anything else.
In LCR oscillator circuit we need to calculate energy input for induction and energy stored in capacitance. When you spend a lot of input for storing in magnetic field (inductance), than capacitors do not match energy to store it in electric field you only obtain driven resonance at huge expense of input especially when it work against self inductance and self capacitance … there would not be self oscillations or it will be nullified before producing beneficial effects.
We need to drive all potential (voltage) in circuit and only in final stage amperage to let the load to dictate by its resistance the rate of power delivered … this will put under strain switching mechanism and available continuous level of power depend on it.
This is why is possible to power kw of load with few watts input. The circuit I used in the video (zvs) is able to switch up to 35 khz, after this will just be unable to deliver power without draining the input massive and start to heat up. To scale up more powerful zvs must be used, even using the same wires for coils.
Many had said that the gain mechanism is energy input/pulse remain the same then is delivered 100k times more often to the load. Just to be clear: input in my case is max 64 w/hour limited by laptop charger, which in fact is divided in each pulse equivalent of 50w/hour per time on (few fractions of a second) + loses. Each pulse deliver FULL power multiplicate in same amount of time by switching on/off.
Transformer action rise the voltage which is delivered to the load. Resistance of the load will reduce the voltage. When no current can flow zvs switch to second wire of bifilar to deliver current at same amplitude (volatge). So, power taken from input is always the same up to the limit imposed by laptop charger. The action can be seen like a hammer hitting the nail with thousands of times per second. Now, what is happening in a bifilar ? When electric flow in wire 1 will induce a current of opposite direction in wire 2 (this is full magnetic circuit, a circle) when electric flow collapse in wire 1 electric flow change direction flowing back to fulfil complete circuit of 2 wires, but with zvs switching an electric flow is released in wire 2 and this will be in the same direction of reversing flow from collapse, the same occur in both wires in the same time.
In simple words: dc input of 64 watts is considered as 1 pulse on for 1 hour, pulsed ac/dc output is 50 watts + loses multiplied by frequency of switching. Tesla had used rotary commutators for this but we can employ much more advanced methods which in this case do not require additional power source to drive the switch and all is based on resistive feedback.