
Full Version: Resonance Amplification
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If I really want to try playing with RF fields like Hutchison did perhaps I could kick the dust off this. Smile near 1kw 100-2000 khz

Just watch the video to the end.

This is why we need to tune our coils to be self resonant for length wise wire to corresponding frequency
It is quite simple and not very hard to do it:

Just stop listening mainstream science ! Let me ask you directly: do you want something that can provide you with what you need, or scientific explanations ? Would these explanations pay your energy bills ?

Just build what you need and strat using it for your yourself … decide later whom you want to believe.
Just a quick update, it might be all you want to know:
Something really simple and easy done:

Best proof of concept I ever seen done with micro coils and is same with circuit attached except L3 which can be added as well using same inductors and diodes.

Some kind of modified Darlington oscillator … 2 stage amplification, almost same with Tesla patent.
(07-21-2024, 09:01 PM)Mozart Wrote: [ -> ]Something really simple and easy done:

Best proof of concept I ever seen done with micro coils and is same with circuit attached except L3 which can be added as well using same inductors and diodes.

Some kind of modified Darlington oscillator … 2 stage amplification, almost same with Tesla patent.

What is good about this is the load regulates the bias of the trigger without having to waste it with a normal wasteful resistor that does nothing useful with the loss.

I have a joule thief for a while now that works with just two micro coils. Works fine.

In my experiments with this setup, I've found that using the highest frequency possible yields the best results. You want the feedback coil to be far enough away so that it doesn’t interfere with the nearly perfect coupled electromagnetic (EM) field of the primary coils. At radio frequencies (RF), you can place the feedback coil several feet away and still couple a significant amount of energy without disrupting the primary EM field.

In other words, the feedback coil shouldn’t negatively interact with the primary coils (L1 and L2), while still being able to induce RF energy, convert it into real power, and maintain the feedback bias power.
In my opinion it this is the way forward and after L3 is needed another isolation stage stepping down and rectifying for self feeding .
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