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Gravity Wave Radio

What types of info have you decoded with your gravity wave radio?
(07-29-2024, 06:33 AM)Elijah Cojekey Wrote: [ -> ]What types of info have you decoded with your gravity wave radio?

As I briefly described in the videos. Many of the times it's just "gibberish" while others its more coherent like "Catch the wave" It always seems to be something relevant to my goal (tx) intent.

It all gets complicated with scalar radio and can be seen as some as esoteric and occult without better understandings of what is going on here. 

It's really borderline science. Not my main focus but something i'm interested in. Because i'm also a Ham Radio Operator. I don't use ham radio but I like the tech behind radio.  Big Grin
To have coherent sentences come through at all is absolutely astounding. To have it coupled to intent is even more amazing. 

I dont know much but I know spiritual warfare is real and so is science. 

Have you tried asking questions and gotten responses? I would ask who are you?