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Good day folks, Since my moving to my new place, I found an old server that I have all these gathered mostly documents and ebooks and clippings of various but related topics.  I started doing this before moving with some old Bedini files. Some are on others no longer available. So I thought it might be a good idea to preserve them on this private server for you folks. So bare with me as I upload all these documents so we can have a half decent library of resources.

Of course feel free any one to contribute by uploading schematics and various information.  Just a side note with sharing youtube clips on here.  It all works but it seems to drive the read post counter slow at responding to the views and can show "0" for a while.  I think it may be perhaps a cronjob kind of issue or maybe a bug with smf.

Take care all and thanks for contributing and commenting on here and on youtube.  Cool
Actually, some “bots” inserting stupid things in forum just to derate and obscure real information

Obviously , presence of Bing, Google etc indexing permanent this forum where all this crap is injected tells me something about suppression and surveillance.

Let’s continue to provide good info to reduce their wrongdoing