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Hey!  new user just saying hello.  I've come to share and learn   Found the forum from Joels youtube channel
Hello, I'm writing to you from France. I watch with attention your discoveries and explanations that I don't always understand but that I really appreciate because they are out of the ordinary things we have been taught.
Thank you for what you do, keep up the good work, you're fascinating.
Hello everyone. Hi Joel, and thank you for existing.
A few hours earlier today, I opened my account on your forum, but didn't see the thread with the introductions. Sorry!
I'm Cristian Alba with the same hobby that you all have here, I'm continuously learning and I must confess that I know nothing by looking at you. Stay healthy in mind and body.
With great respect!!!  Realco
Thank you Joel for letting me be part of this forum, I have been following all the forums on and of for many years, and have made a Bedini SSG Bike wheel, and also a Bedini window motor, now after 10 years leave I am getting back into it.
I probably foolishly decided to attempt a Don Smith Earth Electrical System II and Plasma Column Dipole, after buying Rick Friedrichs book, Not realizing the difficulty in tuning these kind of resonant systems, I will continue to play around with them when time permits,
The Plasma column at least looks impressive with all the capacitor plates.
I am going to have a go at a Benitez system, as the idea that it was the The First Free Energy Patent intrigues me.
I am very impressed with your devices.
Thought I should edit this post as I was not feeling that brilliant at the time.
Hello all! And hey, Joel! Let me start off on the wrong foot right away by saying that I think you've dived down the wrong rabbit hole. I know this sounds like I'm just trolling, but bear with me and I'll try to make it up to you : ) Tom Beardon did do some intriguing work, but 'zero point' energy and scalar forces --which surely exist-- are still just diversions for the backyard inventor interested in abundant free energy. Fascinatingly, N. Tesla really did do all the necessary work in this field and even left clear instructions, but clearly knew he was being financed by wolves who couldn't be trusted, so his patents have to be deciphered. Actually, almost all patents are deliberately written in such a way as to obfuscate the core idea being protected. I have some experience with this and have had to have words with my own attorney when I could scarcely recognize my own ideas. 

Here is a prime example: Just skip to his last claim (7), where he says: "An apparatus for utilizing radiant energy, comprising a condenser, having one terminal connected to earth and the other to an elevated conducting-plate, which is adapted to receive the rays from a distant source of radiant energy, a local circuit connected with the condenser-terminals, a receiver therein, and a circuit-controller therefore which is adapted to be operated by a given rise of potential in the condenser, as set forth."

This actually outlines the whole of his patent in a nutshell. A highly insulated collector plate is raised in the air; an insulated wire is then connected to a 'coil', and from the coil a grounding plate (built the same way) is buried deeply in, of course, the ground. A simple monitoring device and automatic switch in parallel then controls the resulting current.  

Now, an unknown number of people over the course of the last 125 years have naturally attempted to duplicate these instructions with dubious results, playing around with various coils and condensers, both large and small, without obtaining any truly significant results. Similarly, all the discussion about "radiant energy" is entirely beside the point and, I'm pretty sure it was added as a head-fake and a  distraction --such as commonly applied by every stage magician to divert the attention of the audience.

In the final analysis however, everything he says in this patent is technically true. The kicker is that the coil/condensor HAS to be the same as the pancake bifilar coil that he described in a prior patent with the nondescript title, COIL FOR ELECTROMAGNETS (US PATENT #US512340A). This simple device is truly fascinating as it serves to square the quantity of whatever voltage is initially applied to it, while simultaneously eliminating the propensity for coils to be self-inductive, as well as any resistance to current. In compensation, it becomes an almost perfect capacitor. See:

In his 'Utilization of Radiant Energy' patent, he states that: "a *feeble* current flows continuously into the condenser, and inasmuch as these supposed particles are of an inconceivably small radius or curvature, and consequently charged to a relatively very high potential, this charging of the condenser may continue, as I have actually observed, almost indefinitely, even to the point of rupturing the dielectric."

It's important to understand that he's not actually talking about the inherent power of "radiant energy" here; he's really referring to the capacitive potential of the bifilar coil itself...

In one anecdote involving a conversation, he took a friend to his lab in order to demonstrate an electric car he'd designed. He gathered up a box that was placed inside the auto and then pushed a plunger down that stuck out of the top, saying, "And now we're ready!" --and headed down the road. He asserted that he could drive for hours at 90mph. 

Now, if you can charge a coil to the point of exploding, that's considerably more potential than even the best state-of-the-art batteries of today, and pancake coils can easily be stacked in any given number and connected in series or parallel, thereby providing a concentration of power that can run any technology you may care to imagine. Remember, no matter how feeble the source, the bifilar  never stops charging. Best of all (speaking of free energy) starting from ground zero, the inherent atmospheric voltage is around 100V per meter of altitude; OR, you could just use a cheap solar panel as your charging station...
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